Most organisations say that their people are their greatest asset. For us, it's personal. With more than 1,100 internal employees and 20,000 employees out working on client sites, the Chandler Macleod Group is one of the region's largest employers - so we know what it takes to recruit, select and retain the best people. In fact, everything we do relates to unleashing potential in people and companies; from providing today's career opportunities to planning, measuring and managing the workforces of tomorrow. At the heart of our commitment to unleashing potential is BestFit™. Founded in 1959, Chandler Macleod was built on psychometric assessment of employees and candidates, to ensure we find the right person-job-environment fit, which allows our people to realise and unleash their potential. After all, no matter what the market conditions, the fact is you can only really take your business to the next level if you have the right people to take you there. Now over fifty-five years on, Chandler Macleod Group has diversified to provide some of the largest companies and organisations in the region with a range of products and services, which together, provide an end to end human resources solution. Our objectives are simple; to drive client's productivity while reducing workforce risk as, in our experience, this always drives profitability. We do this by partnering with our clients to plan for strategic advantage, source the right talent, assess their organisation and their people, develop their workforce and manage their workforce.