June 14, 2024

Five Ways To Improve Your Candidate Sourcing Strategy

Jan Jedlinski

Co-Founder & CEO, Candidate.ly

Did you know that recent statistics indicate that 73% of job-seekers passively seek other opportunities?

In other words, most quality hires aren’t actively seeking new opportunities. They’re waiting for recruiters to reach out. 

Thus, your clients must find and attract top candidates instead of the other way around. This approach calls for a proactive talent search for soon-to-be or currently vacant positions.

Candidate sourcing doesn’t involve reactively reviewing applications and resumes for a given job posting or candidate pre-screening. Instead, it requires staffing firm professionals to gather valuable data about the most viable candidates (e.g., job responsibilities, titles, names),

It’s worth noting that while your sourcing strategy will attract passive job-seekers, it’s also helpful in attracting active ones. 

So, how can your company maximize this critical recruitment approach?

Why Is Your Candidate Sourcing Strategy So Important?

Candidate sourcing for staffing firms is vital for attracting impactful hires that make a lasting, positive impact; here’s why:

It’s more challenging than ever to find skilled hires: Recent studies indicate that it’s been a struggle for 72% of employees to find quality candidates. The lifeblood of staffing firms are top-tier candidates, but they’re elusive commodities. 

Skills-based hiring is rising: Positions requiring enhanced skillsets are increasing, which calls for more staffing firms to work their magic. With this rise in demand will come more market competition, multiplying the challenges associated with the talent shortage

You need to keep up with your competition: Universally, staffing firms will intensify their search for top talent. Staffing firms that don’t ramp up their sourcing are bound to lose ground.

How To Improve Your Sourcing Strategy

Now you know why candidate sourcing for staffing firms is crucial moving forward. So, here are five ways to execute and get the most from this strategy:

  1. Perform A/B Tests (Trial And Error).

First, you must send personalized general templates to your candidates. Then, take it one step further by diversifying your messages and seeing which tone and wording generate the highest response rates. 

  1. Don’t Get Salary-Based Tunnel Vision.

Focusing too much on salary could give a candidate the wrong idea and make them feel like you’re undervaluing them. Veer the focus away from gaps between a prospective hire’s current role and this new job opportunity. Emphasize how upward career moves require at least a 30% non-monetary improvement. 

  1. Prioritize Engagement

Meaningful interactions with candidates should be a top priority in candidate sourcing, including wishing them well in their new role or sending a birthday message. 

  1. Always Maintain Transparency

Maintaining transparency with candidate sourcing ensures no misunderstandings between talents and their potential new organization. They’ll know what to expect (such as compensation and job responsibilities), and your clients can coordinate timely job interviews. 

  1. Provide Self-Service Options

With Candidate.ly’s portal,  the self-service options make it easier for your clients to obtain applications (a critical aspect of candidate sourcing). Furthermore, this feature allows your clients to track hiring without contacting your firm or waiting for someone to reply with an update. Thus, the candidate sourcing process is made more efficient and seamless. 

Want to learn more about Candidate.ly to improve your candidate sourcing strategy? Then book a demo with us today!