TRY our roi estimator

Pricing & Plans

Rated the #1 implementable software platform among all staffing software products on G2.

4.9 out of 5 -


Resume Formatting


Per formatted resume.
Minimum 100 resumes.

Candidate Submissions


Per user, per month.
Billed annually.


Skills Marketing

From $599

Per company, per month.
Billed annually.

Special enterprise plans available for multi-product and high volume purchases.

Trusted by global staffing leaders and 10,000 of their clients

Calculate your ROI

Compare Plans

Features and services


Get started


Get started


Get started

Candidate Profiles & Resume formatting

Automated resume parsing

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Custom Profiles

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Automatically anonymize profiles

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Automated candidate skill highlighting

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Edit and enhance profiles with ChatGPT

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Save and reuse profiles in your database

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Profile version history

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Download or save profiles back to Bullhorn

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check mark icon
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Custom fields

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Customize candidate's display name

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Candidate sharing

Candidates uploads



Documents per candidate



Recruiter notes powered ChatGPT

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Client contact suggestions from Bullhorn CRM

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Styled vs. Plain Text Emails

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Personalization tokens

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Message templates

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Email previewer

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Sharing preview

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Assign Team

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Candidate sorting on jobs

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Recruiter to Account Manager handoff (split desk workflow)

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Client Experience & Client Notifications

Client views



Magic link for clients (no signup, no passwords)

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Custom login page

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Client dashboard

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Mobile optimized

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Quick compare candidates

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Live chat on candidate profiles

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Centralized Chat Dashboard

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Request interview CTA

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Decline candidate CTA

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Link forward

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Candidate search on lists

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Automated client follow ups

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Subscribe clients to automated updates

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Custom submission stages

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Client collaboration on live chat

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Internal team notifications

Submission alerts via email

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Internal notifications

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Automated client contact routing for skills marketing

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Custom Profile Header

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Custom Logo

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Custom Favicon

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Custom URL

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White-labeled email notifications

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Custom profile layouts

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Client personalization

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Multi brand support

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Bullhorn Integration

One click integration-setup

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Search and import candidates from Bullhorn

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Candidate field mapping

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Custom tab on Bullhorn candidate record

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Custom tab on Bullhorn job record

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Custom tab on Bullhorn company record

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Custom tab on Bullhorn contact record

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Auto-import candidates from a job in Bullhorn


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Deactivate candidates based on a job submission status

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Sync messages as notes to Bullhorn


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Jobs submission status mapping

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Job submission field mapping


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Auto-update the job submission status in Bullhorn

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End clients Sync


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Note actions

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Bullhorn Automations (BETA)


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Activity and Analytics

Activity Feed (Open, click, reply)

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check mark icon

Anonymous activity on lists


Coming Soon

Analytics Dashboard

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


Multi currency

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Default date format

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Account and content ownership transfer

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Single Sign On

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Team Management

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User roles

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Security, Privacy, and GDPR Compliance

List Access Control

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Access Tracking

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check mark icon

Remove invited recipients from your lists

check mark icon
check mark icon

Disable file downloads for clients

check mark icon
check mark icon

Link expiration (Pause and deactivate links)

check mark icon
check mark icon

Add your own Terms of Use or Privacy Policy

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Support and Services

Help center

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Virtual Training Academy

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Personalized on-boarding & user training

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Live Support Chat 24/7

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Dedicated account manger

Available on Enterprise

Available on Enterprise

Available on Enterprise

Compare Plans

Resume formatting



Billed annually, or $49 billed monthly with annual commitment

Features and services

Candidate Profiles & Resume formatting

check mark icon

Automated resume parsing

Automatically extract the most relevant information from each CV/resume such as name, job title, location, skills with years of experience to save manual data entry.

check mark icon

Custom Profiles

Customize the appearance of your candidate’s profiles. Use Bullhorn custom fields to fully customize your candidate profiles.

check mark icon

Automatically anonymize profiles

Hide the candidate's name, contact details, previous employer names and more with a click of a button.

check mark icon

Automated candidate skill highlighting

Automatically highlight the candidates' most important skills and years of experience for each skill.

check mark icon

Edit and enhance profiles with ChatGPT

Make quick edits and use ChatGPT to enhance your candidate profiles.

check mark icon

Save and reuse profiles in your database

Profiles are automatically saved in your candidate database. Use it again for future submissions.

check mark icon

Profile version history

See where your candidate has been submitted to or track changes on their profile.

check mark icon

Download or save profiles back to Bullhorn

Download or save your personalized profile back to Bullhorn as a “Formatted Resume”. Use formatted PDF for your VMS submissions.

check mark icon

Custom fields

Enables addition of custom fields like text, URLs, date pickers, dropdowns and more to capture additional candidate information.

check mark icon

Customize candidate's display name

Set the default view for the candidate’s primary & secondary display names.

Bullhorn integration

check mark icon

One click integration-setup

Activate the Bullhorn integration with one click single sign on (SSO) from your Admin dashboard — no need for integration consultants.

check mark icon

Search and import candidates from Bullhorn

Search across all candidates in Bullhorn and seamless import to submissions.

check mark icon

Candidate field mapping

Map candidate fields to the fields in order to import that data when we import candidates.

check mark icon

Custom tab on Bullhorn candidate record

Enables you to access from a custom tab on Bullhorn's candidate record, keeping users within Bullhorn.


check mark icon

Multi currency

Set a default currency for displaying bill rates or salary expectations on your submissions and customize the currency for each individual candidate before submitting to your client.

check mark icon

Default date format

Set a default date format for all date-related entries on your submissions. Choose between the standard European format (day/month/year) or the US format (month/day/year).

check mark icon

Account and content ownership transfer

Transfer the account ownership and its content to another user following the deletion of a user account.

check mark icon

Single Sign On

Provide streamlined and secure access to your account through a Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with Bullhorn.

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Team Management

Group users into department-based teams and assign your custom branding to each team

check mark icon

User roles

Assign your users different permissions. Owner, Admin, or Member, with each role defining which information can be accessed and edited on your account.


check mark icon

Multi currency

Set a default currency for displaying bill rates or salary expectations on your submissions and customize the currency for each individual candidate before submitting to your client.

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Default date format

Set a default date format for all date-related entries on your submissions. Choose between the standard European format (day/month/year) or the US format (month/day/year).

check mark icon

Account and content ownership transfer

Transfer the account ownership and its content to another user following the deletion of a user account.

check mark icon

Single Sign On

Provide streamlined and secure access to your account through a Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Team Management

Group users into department-based teams and assign your custom branding to each team

check mark icon

User roles

Assign your users different permissions. Owner, Admin, or Member, with each role defining which information can be accessed and edited on your account.

Support and Services

check mark icon

Help center

Every question you have about answered in one place.

check mark icon

Virtual Training Academy

Get a head start by watching recorded onboarding or user training sessions on your own.

check mark icon

Personalized on-boarding & user training

Our Customer Success Team guides you from implementation to user training.

check mark icon

Live Support Chat 24/7

Get in touch with our support team via our live chat.

check mark icon

Dedicated account manger

Receive support at every step of the way from your dedicated client contact at

Book a Demo

Candidate submissions


includes resume formatting & reporting.
Billed annually, or $49 billed monthly with annual commitment

Features and services

Candidate Profiles & Resume formatting

check mark icon

Automated resume parsing

Automatically extract the most relevant information from each CV/resume such as name, job title, location, skills with years of experience to save manual data entry.

check mark icon

Custom Profiles

Customize the appearance of your candidate’s profiles. Use Bullhorn custom fields to fully customize your candidate profiles.

check mark icon

Automatically anonymize profiles

Hide the candidate's name, contact details, previous employer names and more with a click of a button.

check mark icon

Automated candidate skill highlighting

Automatically highlight the candidates' most important skills and years of experience for each skill.

check mark icon

Edit and enhance profiles with ChatGPT

Make quick edits and use ChatGPT to enhance your candidate profiles.

check mark icon

Save and reuse profiles in your database

Profiles are automatically saved in your candidate database. Use it again for future submissions.

check mark icon

Profile version history

See where your candidate has been submitted to or track changes on their profile.

check mark icon

Download or save profiles back to Bullhorn

Download or save your personalized profile back to Bullhorn as a “Formatted Resume”. Use formatted PDF for your VMS submissions.

check mark icon

Custom fields

Enables addition of custom fields like text, URLs, date pickers, dropdowns and more to capture additional candidate information.

check mark icon

Customize candidate's display name

Set the default view for the candidate’s primary & secondary display names.

Candidate sharing

check mark icon

Candidates uploads


Security limits or user limits may apply on certain plans.

check mark icon

Documents per candidate


Attach unlimited documents to your candidates.

check mark icon

Recruiter notes powered ChatGPT

Automatically generate insightful recruiter notes based on the candidate’s resume and job description in Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Client contact suggestions from Bullhorn CRM

Automatically pre-populate contact suggestions from your Bullhorn CRM and share with one or multiple contacts simultaneously.

check mark icon

Styled vs. Plain Text Emails

Choose between plain text and styled emails to create the perfect-looking message for your clients and ensure high deliverability.

check mark icon

Personalization tokens

Automatically replace placeholders with your clients name or last name, before sharing your submission.

check mark icon

Message templates

Pre-create candidate submission message templates and save time on drafting emails to clients.

check mark icon

Email previewer

Preview your message and ensure everything looks good before sending it to clients.

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Sharing preview

Preview your link and candidate profiles before sharing then with a client.

check mark icon

Assign Team

Keep your team in the loop and assign them to your submissions. Assigned members will also receive notifications.

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Candidate sorting on jobs

Set up the order in which your candidates should be displayed for your clients.

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Recruiter to Account Manager handoff (split desk workflow)

Send an internal notification to your Account Executive when a candidate is ready to submit. Let them review and submit directly from within Bullhorn.

Client Experience & Client Notifications

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Client views


Clients can access shared lists, view candidates, and request CVs. No login required.

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Magic link for clients (no signup, no passwords)

No signup or passwords required for your clients. Clients click on the magic link in the email notification to view your submissions right away.

check mark icon

Custom login page

Add a custom login page to your website and let clients enter your portal with a magic link.

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Client dashboard

Let clients review and switch between multiple job submissions or skills marketing lists on the same link.

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Mobile optimized

A fully mobile-optimized client experience. Let clients access your links from any device on the Go.

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Quick compare candidates

Let clients toggle between multiple candidates profiles and compare data in one place.

check mark icon

Live chat on candidate profiles

An instant messenger that lives within Bullhorn between your hiring managers and recruiters. Let multiple hiring managers send you a live chat messages directly from your candidate’s profile.

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Centralized Chat Dashboard

All client conversations bundled into a single, central view, enabling you to efficiently manage and navigate between discussions across all lists and candidates.

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Request interview CTA

Let clients quickly request interviews with a click of a button.

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Decline candidate CTA

Let clients decline your submissions and leave a required decline reason.

check mark icon

Link forward

Let clients easily forward your candidates to their team by inviting them to your link.

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Candidate search on lists

Let clients search quickly through your lists for easier candidate discovery.

check mark icon

Automated client follow ups

Share automated follow-ups with clients when your candidates have not yet been viewed.

check mark icon

Subscribe clients to automated updates

Notify clients when candidates are added or removed from a list.

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Custom submission stages

Take candidates from submission to placement on one collaborative link. Set up stages such as 2nd Interview, Skill Test or Placement to highlight where your candidates are in the pipeline.

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Client collaboration on live chat

Enable multiple hiring managers to view each other’s messages, send interview request and leave notes on your candidate profiles.

Internal team notifications

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Submission alerts via email

Get notified via email when your clients view your submissions, request an interview, decline a candidate, or send you a chat message.

check mark icon

Internal notifications

Notify your team when you share a submission, assign a team member to submission or mark a candidate as ready to send in a split desk setup.


check mark icon

Custom Profile Header

Personalize your submission’s appearance with custom headers, logos, and favicons

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Custom Logo

Personalize your submission’s appearance with custom headers, logos, and favicons

check mark icon

Custom Favicon

Personalize your submission’s appearance with custom headers, logos, and favicons

check mark icon

Custom URL

Personalize your submissions with a custom URL. Example:

check mark icon

White-labeled email notifications

Deliver brand-aligned email notifications, maintaining your company's identity.

check mark icon

Custom profile layouts

Select if your submissions should show your team's contact or the company more prominently by default.

check mark icon

Client personalization

Add your clients logo or header to each submission to personalize your client experience.

check mark icon

Multi brand support

Support multiple brand management, allowing distinct identities for different product lines.

Bullhorn integration

check mark icon

One click integration-setup

Activate the Bullhorn integration with one click single sign on (SSO) from your Admin dashboard — no need for integration consultants.

check mark icon

Search and import candidates from Bullhorn

Search across all candidates in Bullhorn and seamless import to submissions.

check mark icon

Candidate field mapping

Map candidate fields to the fields in order to import that data when we import candidates.

check mark icon

Custom tab on Bullhorn job record

Enables you to access from a custom tab on Bullhorn's job record, keeping users within Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Custom tab on Bullhorn company record

Enables you to access from a custom tab on Bullhorn's company record, keeping users within Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Custom tab on Bullhorn contact record

Enables you to access from a custom tab on Bullhorn's contact record, keeping users within Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Auto-import candidates from a job in Bullhorn

Automatically import candidates based on the job submission status and a pre-selected file type.

check mark icon

Deactivate candidates based on a job submission status

Automatically set a candidate inactive in based on the selected candidate status in Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Sync messages as notes to Bullhorn

Sync chat messages with clients as notes to the candidate record in Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Jobs submission status mapping

Automatically update the job submission status for a candidate in Bullhorn when the corresponding candidate's status changes in

check mark icon

Job submission field mapping

Map job submission fields to the fields in order to import that data when we import candidates.

check mark icon

Auto-update the job submission status in Bullhorn

Automatically set the selected job submission status for a candidate in Bullhorn when the status of the corresponding candidate changes in

check mark icon

End clients Sync

Sync client contacts, such as the company and their contact person, to pre-fill when sharing a submission.

check mark icon

Note actions

Define when notes should be created in Bullhorn for actions taken in

Activity and Analytics

check mark icon

Activity Feed (Open, click, reply)

Gain client engagement insights, track candidate review duration, and receive live notifications when clients view your submissions.

check mark icon

Analytics Dashboard

coming soon

Track time to submit, time to view, time hire & more in one customizable dashboard.


check mark icon

Multi currency

Set a default currency for displaying bill rates or salary expectations on your submissions and customize the currency for each individual candidate before submitting to your client.

check mark icon

Default date format

Set a default date format for all date-related entries on your submissions. Choose between the standard European format (day/month/year) or the US format (month/day/year).

check mark icon

Account and content ownership transfer

Transfer the account ownership and its content to another user following the deletion of a user account.

check mark icon

Single Sign On

Provide streamlined and secure access to your account through a Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Team Management

Group users into department-based teams and assign your custom branding to each team

check mark icon

User roles

Assign your users different permissions. Owner, Admin, or Member, with each role defining which information can be accessed and edited on your account.

Security, Privacy, and GDPR Compliance

check mark icon

List Access Control

Restrict submissions to specific recipients or remove invited recipients from your submissions.

check mark icon

Access Tracking

Monitor all client activity on submissions through the live activity feed.

check mark icon

Remove invited recipients from your lists

Remove people you have invited to your submissions to restrict future access to your lists.

check mark icon

Disable file downloads for clients

Ensure secure browser-only candidate reviews and restrict resume downloads to ensure GDPR compliance.

check mark icon

Link expiration (Pause and deactivate links)

Set submissions to expire based on closing a job in Bullhorn or pausing submission access for clients.

check mark icon

Add your own Terms of Use or Privacy Policy

Add your own Terms of Use or Privacy Policy.

Support and Services

check mark icon

Help center

Every question you have about answered in one place.

check mark icon

Virtual Training Academy

Get a head start by watching recorded onboarding or user training sessions on your own.

check mark icon

Personalized on-boarding & user training

Our Customer Success Team guides you from implementation to user training.

check mark icon

Live Support Chat 24/7

Get in touch with our support team via our live chat.

check mark icon

Dedicated account manger

Receive support at every step of the way from your dedicated client contact at

Book a Demo

Skills Marketing


starting at $599/company/month

includes resume formatting & reporting.
Billed annually.

Features and services

Candidate Profiles & Resume formatting

check mark icon

Automated resume parsing

Automatically extract the most relevant information from each CV/resume such as name, job title, location, skills with years of experience to save manual data entry.

check mark icon

Custom Profiles

Customize the appearance of your candidate’s profiles. Use Bullhorn custom fields to fully customize your candidate profiles.

check mark icon

Automatically anonymize profiles

Hide the candidate's name, contact details, previous employer names and more with a click of a button.

check mark icon

Automated candidate skill highlighting

Automatically highlight the candidates' most important skills and years of experience for each skill.

check mark icon

Edit and enhance profiles with ChatGPT

Make quick edits and use ChatGPT to enhance your candidate profiles.

check mark icon

Save and reuse profiles in your database

Profiles are automatically saved in your candidate database. Use it again for future submissions.

check mark icon

Profile version history

See where your candidate has been submitted to or track changes on their profile.

check mark icon

Download or save profiles back to Bullhorn

Download or save your personalized profile back to Bullhorn as a “Formatted Resume”. Use formatted PDF for your VMS submissions.

check mark icon

Custom fields

Enables addition of custom fields like text, URLs, date pickers, dropdowns and more to capture additional candidate information.

check mark icon

Customize candidate's display name

Set the default view for the candidate’s primary & secondary display names.

Candidate sharing

check mark icon

Candidates uploads


Security limits or user limits may apply on certain plans.

check mark icon

Documents per candidate


Attach unlimited documents to your candidates.

check mark icon

Recruiter notes powered ChatGPT

Automatically generate insightful recruiter notes based on the candidate’s resume and job description in Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Client contact suggestions from Bullhorn CRM

Automatically pre-populate contact suggestions from your Bullhorn CRM and share with one or multiple contacts simultaneously.

check mark icon

Styled vs. Plain Text Emails

Choose between plain text and styled emails to create the perfect-looking message for your clients and ensure high deliverability.

check mark icon

Personalization tokens

Automatically replace placeholders with your clients name or last name, before sharing your submission.

check mark icon

Message templates

Pre-create candidate submission message templates and save time on drafting emails to clients.

check mark icon

Email previewer

Preview your message and ensure everything looks good before sending it to clients.

check mark icon

Sharing preview

Preview your link and candidate profiles before sharing then with a client.

check mark icon

Assign Team

Keep your team in the loop and assign them to your submissions. Assigned members will also receive notifications.

Client Experience & Client Notifications

check mark icon

Client views


Clients can access shared lists, view candidates, and request CVs. No login required.

check mark icon

Magic link for clients (no signup, no passwords)

No signup or passwords required for your clients. Clients click on the magic link in the email notification to view your submissions right away.

check mark icon

Custom login page

Add a custom login page to your website and let clients enter your portal with a magic link.

check mark icon

Client dashboard

Let clients review and switch between multiple job submissions or skills marketing lists on the same link.

check mark icon

Mobile optimized

A fully mobile-optimized client experience. Let clients access your links from any device on the Go.

check mark icon

Quick compare candidates

Let clients toggle between multiple candidates profiles and compare data in one place.

check mark icon

Live chat on candidate profiles

An instant messenger that lives within Bullhorn between your hiring managers and recruiters. Let multiple hiring managers send you a live chat messages directly from your candidate’s profile.

check mark icon

Centralized Chat Dashboard

All client conversations bundled into a single, central view, enabling you to efficiently manage and navigate between discussions across all lists and candidates.

check mark icon

Request interview CTA

Let clients quickly request interviews with a click of a button.

check mark icon

Decline candidate CTA

Let clients decline your submissions and leave a required decline reason.

check mark icon

Link forward

Let clients easily forward your candidates to their team by inviting them to your link.

check mark icon

Candidate search on lists

Let clients search quickly through your lists for easier candidate discovery.

check mark icon

Automated client follow ups

Share automated follow-ups with clients when your candidates have not yet been viewed.

check mark icon

Subscribe clients to automated updates

Notify clients when candidates are added or removed from a list.

Internal team notifications

check mark icon

Submission alerts via email

Get notified via email when your clients view your submissions, request an interview, decline a candidate, or send you a chat message.

check mark icon

Internal notifications

Notify your team when you share a submission, assign a team member to submission or mark a candidate as ready to send in a split desk setup.

check mark icon

Automated client contact routing for skills marketing

Route inbound messages directly to the contact owners on marketing lists, ensuring that the appropriate person receives the notification when a client reaches out.


check mark icon

Custom Profile Header

Personalize your submission’s appearance with custom headers, logos, and favicons

check mark icon

Custom Logo

Personalize your submission’s appearance with custom headers, logos, and favicons

check mark icon

Custom Favicon

Personalize your submission’s appearance with custom headers, logos, and favicons

check mark icon

Custom URL

Personalize your submissions with a custom URL. Example:

check mark icon

White-labeled email notifications

Deliver brand-aligned email notifications, maintaining your company's identity.

check mark icon

Custom profile layouts

Select if your submissions should show your team's contact or the company more prominently by default.

check mark icon

Client personalization

Add your clients logo or header to each submission to personalize your client experience.

check mark icon

Multi brand support

Support multiple brand management, allowing distinct identities for different product lines.

Bullhorn integration

check mark icon

One click integration-setup

Activate the Bullhorn integration with one click single sign on (SSO) from your Admin dashboard — no need for integration consultants.

check mark icon

Search and import candidates from Bullhorn

Search across all candidates in Bullhorn and seamless import to submissions.

check mark icon

Candidate field mapping

Map candidate fields to the fields in order to import that data when we import candidates.

check mark icon

Custom tab on Bullhorn company record

Enables you to access from a custom tab on Bullhorn's company record, keeping users within Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Custom tab on Bullhorn contact record

Enables you to access from a custom tab on Bullhorn's contact record, keeping users within Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Sync messages as notes to Bullhorn

Sync chat messages with clients as notes to the candidate record in Bullhorn.

check mark icon

End clients Sync

Sync client contacts, such as the company and their contact person, to pre-fill when sharing a submission.

check mark icon

Note actions

Define when notes should be created in Bullhorn for actions taken in

Activity and Analytics

check mark icon

Activity Feed (Open, click, reply)

Gain client engagement insights, track candidate review duration, and receive live notifications when clients view your submissions.

check mark icon

Anonymous activity on lists

coming soon

See if someone has viewed your candidates even if they haven't confirmed their email.

check mark icon

Analytics Dashboard

coming soon

Track time to submit, time to view, time hire & more in one customizable dashboard.


check mark icon

Multi currency

Set a default currency for displaying bill rates or salary expectations on your submissions and customize the currency for each individual candidate before submitting to your client.

check mark icon

Default date format

Set a default date format for all date-related entries on your submissions. Choose between the standard European format (day/month/year) or the US format (month/day/year).

check mark icon

Account and content ownership transfer

Transfer the account ownership and its content to another user following the deletion of a user account.

check mark icon

Single Sign On

Provide streamlined and secure access to your account through a Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with Bullhorn.

check mark icon

Team Management

Group users into department-based teams and assign your custom branding to each team

check mark icon

User roles

Assign your users different permissions. Owner, Admin, or Member, with each role defining which information can be accessed and edited on your account.

Security, Privacy, and GDPR Compliance

check mark icon

List Access Control

Restrict submissions to specific recipients or remove invited recipients from your submissions.

check mark icon

Access Tracking

Monitor all client activity on submissions through the live activity feed.

check mark icon

Remove invited recipients from your lists

Remove people you have invited to your submissions to restrict future access to your lists.

check mark icon

Disable file downloads for clients

Ensure secure browser-only candidate reviews and restrict resume downloads to ensure GDPR compliance.

check mark icon

Link expiration (Pause and deactivate links)

Set submissions to expire based on closing a job in Bullhorn or pausing submission access for clients.

check mark icon

Add your own Terms of Use or Privacy Policy

Add your own Terms of Use or Privacy Policy.

Support and Services

check mark icon

Help center

Every question you have about answered in one place.

check mark icon

Virtual Training Academy

Get a head start by watching recorded onboarding or user training sessions on your own.

check mark icon

Personalized on-boarding & user training

Our Customer Success Team guides you from implementation to user training.

check mark icon

Live Support Chat 24/7

Get in touch with our support team via our live chat.

check mark icon

Dedicated account manger

Receive support at every step of the way from your dedicated client contact at

Book a Demo


We are here to help

Candidately ROI Estimator

Want to see what Candidately can do for your staffing business? Use our interactive ROI estimator to find out.

Customer Success

Best-in-class onboarding and ongoing support provided to all Candidately customers.

Don’t just take it from us. is rated the #1 implementable software platform among all staffing software products on G2.


99% overall satisfaction rating on G2

See our reviews

Ease of setup


Quality of support


Ease of Admin


Ease of doing business with


Meets requirements


Ease of use



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At this time, we do not offer free trials.

What are my payment options?


At this time, we only accept credit card payments. If you are interested in paying via ACH, please reach out to our team. They will be happy to answer any questions and assess your eligibility.

Do you offer monthly plans?


We currently do not offer month-to-month plans. However, we do provide dedicated pilot programs for selected customers. Please contact our team to assess your eligibility and explore this option.

How long does it take to setup Candidately on my Bullhorn account?


Sign up and connect your Bullhorn account effortlessly with our single sign-on option – it takes less than 5 minutes! We also offer a setup call and training session for your team to demonstrate how Candidately works. Depending on your schedule, this can be arranged very quickly.

I have 20 users on Bullhorn but need only 5 users on Candidately, is that possible?


We do not tie our pricing to the amount of Bullhorn users you have. Typically our customers would setup their Account Management and Recruitment teams on Candidately.

Do I need to contact Bullhorn to get started with Candidately?


No, you don't need to contact Bullhorn to start using Candidately. Simply sign in with your Bullhorn account and Candidately gets automatically connected.

Want to know more? Visit the Help Center →

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Lauren Hunter-Parrish

Lead Staffing Manager

Just the time it saves, it has made it 3/4 times quicker to create a submission.

Ayden Forsyth

Managing Consultant

It is helping us move away from attaching files to an email and being able to keep up with new technology.

Matthew Banbury

Recruitment Director

We are winning more business because clients whom we’ve introduced the platform to, prefer that so much more.