June 14, 2024

Humanise Your Hiring Process at Scale with Video Tech 

Susie Lawler

Head of Marketing at Odro

The candidate landscape is more competitive than ever and we’re seeing that personalisation - and even relevance - is being sacrificed for scale. One of the biggest challenges in recruitment right now is the lack of candidate availability. It's becoming increasingly difficult to engage with good talent and increasingly difficult to stand out in a crowded marketplace. At the same time, candidates are being bombarded. Which means their experience often isn't great from the outset. 

On top, with the move towards one click apply. A move away from lengthy application forms and, in many cases, even the requirement to submit a cover letter, it's become much easier for candidates to apply for your roles with little or even no connection to your brand, and maybe even no knowledge of your business at all. 

At any given time, an estimated 30% of employees are actively seeking a new role. That's around 9.8 million people in the UK looking for their next opportunity whilst in their current position. So, the talent is there. The struggle is engaging with it. 

All of which means the onus really needs to be on you to make sure you're creating a connection, that your brand and process stands out amongst the competition and that you’re delivering a good candidate experience throughout the hiring process. Video, implemented correctly, can have a massive impact.   

Video recruitment tech provides you with a complete end-to-end solution for managing the digital hiring process. Video engagement, video interviewing and digital shortlisting can help you solve some of the most common problems your businesses are faced with right now. 

Recently, following an in-depth analysis of our usage data, we aggregated the best practices of our highest performing recruiters across the globe - from 800+ agencies - and combined the top 1% into a modular framework. The framework is a high impact solution, with instant takeaways, designed to help you forge stronger relationships, improve loyalty and retention and minimise drop-offs along the way.

It helps our users create long-lasting more meaningful connections with candidates at over 15 different touchpoints. We've split it into three sections, attract, assess and aftercare. And it's there to bolster your existing process, fix your most common pain points and improve the experience for your candidates. Here are some of our top tips. 

Use authentic, not overly produced, videos of your hiring managers describing the job, the team and what they're looking for in their ideal candidate and use this to create a video job advert that can sit alongside your typical job description.

Use video to record a response for applicants and automate this to be sent along with your usual reply in receipt of your applications. Candidates receiving a video message, which will seem personalised even if it isn't, are far more likely to remain engaged with you, and to feel valued. Whether they get the job this time around or not. 

The method of your messaging is also important. Using different methods of media when you’re contacting candidates at the beginning and middle of your hiring process is a sure-fire way to deliver the message in the right tone, with the right level of investment to make the candidate feel special - and still scale the experience.

Is your process flexible enough? Our clients at Odro are minimising drop-out rates and no shows and benefiting from reduced time to hire by offering live, asynchronous or a combination of the two to candidates. Digital shortlisting is far more efficient too, and feeds into your D&I policies. 

These are just some of the ways video can be leveraged to maximise your time and efforts. It will help increase your engagement and application rates, minimise your drop-outs, achieve a higher candidate NPS score and ultimately you'll have an enriched, more loyal, talent pool for the future too.