
June 14, 2024

Interview with John F. Smith

John F. Smith

Managing Director, CXC Global Americas

Do you consider Online Staffing Platforms as a threat to your current business? What advice would you give to a staffing operator to stay competitive with new Online Platforms entering the staffing market?

The emergence of online staffing platforms demonstrates the evolution of the global staffing industry and is allowing talented candidates to be identified in every corner of the world. I would not consider them a threat, but a better way of doing business in today's competitive recruitment marketplace.

Competition in any industry is a benchmark that current staffing and recruitment providers should closely monitor to enhance their service offerings and capabilities. Platforms will always be seeking niche providers to supply talented candidates into their platforms and talent pools.

How important are MSPs for your business? What is your advice to staffing operators when considering participating in an MSP program?

MSP’s are evolving. The way corporations are utilizing their services is becoming more aligned with internal capabilities and goals. Many corporations feel they can manage and administer certain aspects of the MSP process more efficiently themselves, while outsourcing functions that mitigate risk and bringing in specialized expertise.

Participation within formal MSP programs should be considered by staffing companies, when access to corporations’ hiring authorities is controlled and centrally managed by the MSP. As candidates are the lifeline of any staffing and recruitment company, developing channels to deliver work as either contingent or full time to their candidate pool is paramount.

What is your view on remote work in staffing?

Working remotely post covid is here to stay. Companies have realized that workers are now as or more productive working from home.  The best talent prefers to be engaged with this type of workplace flexibility. Companies are sourcing workers from all over the world to fill high demand positions, and the various technology and platform advancements are making this easier for all involved.

What is your go to place for news and advice on new trends in the staffing market?

Having had an active profile on LinkedIn for over 15 years now passed the five year mark on Twitter, you see that many companies are quick to promote their successes and achievements on these two social media platforms. Time spent every day on LinkedIn to me is very valuable, educational and it’s how I keep up on the staffing and contingent workforce industry.