June 14, 2024

Product Updates August

Jan Jedlinski

Jan is the co-founder & CEO of Candidately.

Our team is working hard to make candidate submissions faster and more collaborative, that's why I'm especially excited about today's new release. Introducing improved Bullhorn status mapping, enhanced recruiter notes, rate ranges + 30more updates!

Let's get right to it!

New Bullhorn features 🐂

Global candidate status mapping 🔄

It is now possible to use the global candidate status in Bullhorn to set a candidate inactive across all your lists.

For example:

  • A candidate is added to 3 lists in Candidate.ly. If the status in Bullhorn for this candidate switches to "Placed" (Or any other selected statuses), the candidate is set to "Inactive" on all 3 lists.
  • The candidate is added to a list in Candidate.ly but gets placed on another job that is not in Candidate.ly - the candidate would still go inactive as we are mapping to the global candidate status in Bullhorn.

Job status mapping ⚙️

This feature hooks into the job status in Bullhorn. Users can select whether to pause a list in Candidate.ly when the connected Bullhorn job is closed. It further simplifies the management of lists and ensures that closed jobs are no longer visible to clients.

Enhanced recruiter notes 📝

We've implemented an improved text editor that can be used when adding recruiter notes to your candidates. You can now format your text with the following options to make important information stand out, so your clients won't miss it:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Highlight
  • Bulleted list
  • Ordered list

Rate ranges 💸

When adding/activating a candidate on your lists, you can now switch the single value rate to a rate range for all of your candidates.

General application improvements 🔧

  • Significantly improved resume skill parsing with 40% plus more skills and higher accuracy.
  • Improved normalization and classification of skills with 150,000 synonyms that normalize to 11,000 unique skill concepts.
  • Duplicate contact warning: We added a warning message when trying to create or edit a contact with an email that has already been used.
  • All lists now display dates in the format that was set by the list owner's company.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when searching for Tearsheets when there were more than 500 Tearsheets in Bullhorn.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented candidates to show up in Candidate.ly on jobs with more than 100 candidates in Bullhorn.
  • The recruiter note field can now be expanded by clicking and dragging on the bottom right corner.
  • Improvement to the new end clients section for larger screen sizes.
  • Support for Microsoft Edge (all versions release within the last year)
  • A fix on custom fields where the displayed dates where shifted by one day.
  • When searching for contacts, we are now showing the company name instead of the job title next to the contact.
  • Some fixes on lists for the web browser Firefox.
  • Improvements to the Bullhorn settings that suggest to run the initial sync after changing settings that require us to load in more data from Bullhorn.