June 14, 2024

Product Updates July

Jan Jedlinski

Jan is the co-founder & CEO of Candidately.

Our team is working hard to make candidate submissions faster and more collaborative, that's why I'm especially excited about today's new release. Introducing: "Client Sync" between Bullhorn and Candidately + 30 more features and improvements.

Let's get right to it!

End Clients 📋

For Bullhorn users only:

  • Client contacts are now automatically being suggested when you share a list.
  • Clients get referenced on notes that Candidately creates in Bullhorn.

Also for none Bullhorn users:

  • View all lists that you've shared with your contacts or companies.
  • See a client's name everywhere in Candidately as opposed to just their email.
  • The new End Client menu item in your Candidately app lets you find and manage all your companies and contacts.

❗️Action required for Bullhorn users:

To opt-in for the new client sync feature, please contact us. Since we need confirmation from you that we can sync your companies and contacts from Bullhorn to your Candidately account. We will then turn on the client sync for you.

Alternatively, please check out this article that will help you to turn on the client sync yourself: Click here

Customize the candidate's display name  😎❓

Looking to anonymize your candidates and only display your candidate's job title instead of their name? We got you!

You can now choose to display the job title automatically for each candidate without revealing their name.

Remove invited contacts from your lists 🚫

Looking to remove a contact from a list you already shared? Simply click the "3 dots" next to a contact on the sharing popup window to remove the contact.

The contact will no longer have access to your link and will be removed from the messenger thread.

Disable file downloads ⬇

Take full control of your candidate's data and disable the CV/resume and file download option for your clients. Now your clients no longer have the option to download the CV/resume or additional files from the link you shared with them.

You can select this option as a company default or change it individually on each lists.

"Messages" tab for your lists 📨

Keep track of all your client conversations with the new "Messages" tab on your lists.

Upload the candidate's CV/resume from an image file 📸

We now support image files as well as PDFs with images to be uploaded as CV/resume. Caution, this feature does not support parsing any of your candidate's information from the resume.

Default date format 📅

Want to see days instead of months? DD/MM/JJJJ vs. MM/DD/JJJJ We got you!

You can now set the default date format for your company account. Click here to make the change.

Bullhorn-related updates 🐂

  • When sharing a list, we now automatically suggest client contacts that are assigned to the job in Bullhorn.
  • Notes synced to Bullhorn now reference the client contact and list owner.
  • Candidate skills and willingness to relocate automatically sync from Bullhorn when adding candidates to a list.
  • The owner and assignees of a job in Bullhorn are now automatically added as assignees to lists in Candidately.
  • Manually force the initial sync of companies and contacts without re-connecting your Bullhorn integration.

General application improvements 🔧

  • Improved the email sender names to minimize bounces and email landing in spam folders.
  • Added the ability to reassign lists when removing users from your company.
  • Added an unread messages counter to each list on your client portal.
  • Improved the navigation of the list settings menu by splitting it into different categories.
  • Improved the preview of files on mobile devices.
  • Improved the detection of job titles for candidates.
  • Improved the UI on the Bullhorn settings page.
  • Truncated list titles show a tooltip now.
  • Automations now display a warning message if the Bullhorn tearsheet they are synced with is deleted.
  • Improvements to the location icon visiblity if the field is not completed.

What are we building this summer? ☀️

  • Bullhorn field mapping --> automatically map fields from Bullhorn's submission or candidate record to Candidately
  • Rate ranges
  • Initiate messages on candidates before client interactions
  • Custom email addresses (send with your own email)
  • Improvements to split desk recruitment workflows
  • Sync Bullhorn candidate submission note as recruiter note to Candidately
  • Set candidates inactive on lists when their global status field is changed to “Placed”
  • Set lists to inactive when jobs in Bullhorn goes offline
  • Updates to the list side menu to automatically sort lists in folders by client and list status
  • Trigger automated notifications to clients for changes on lists