June 14, 2024

Staffing and Recruiting companies, listen up! It’s your time to shine now! That's why we are building Candidately for you.

Jan Alexander Jedlinski

Jan is the co-founder & CEO of Candidately.

Recruiting has radically changed for all of us.

Gone are the days when posting a job description on a job board was enough to attract high-quality candidates.

Today over 70% of job seekers are passive and need to be hunted for, they don’t need to apply for jobs anymore. Inbound recruiting is on the way out.

Staffing and Recruiting companies are on their way in!

As an expert in their respective field, a staffing and recruiting company is your go-to place as an employer when you are looking to make your next great hire. Covering everything from candidate sourcing, cold outreach, building relationships, sealing the deal with your ideal candidate, becoming the employer of record for your international hires, and giving you peace of mind to focus on building your business.

The numbers don’t lie. Recruiters are in demand...


...that's no wonder. After an economic downturn staffing and recruiting companies are always in demand and we believe that the demand will not decrease anytime soon.


In the future, a staffing and recruiting company will be highly specialized in a specific vertical, extremely well branded, and offer an integrated tech stack to improve the entire staffing experience from top to bottom for clients and candidates.

Staffing companies and recruiters, listen up! You need to step up your game. You know it, your customers know it and your candidates know it.

Let’s face it, the staffing industry is by and large fairly “old school.” Compared to industries like real estate that have rapidly adopted new technology, staffing has tended to lag behind.

Having a website isn’t enough to qualify as being tech-savvy — especially when most agencies simply offer a request form on their website. Today’s tech solutions have moved well beyond these rudimentary options.

Given there are more than +160,000 staffing and recruiting companies worldwide and many more individual recruiters putting +60 million people to work every year, it's mind-blowing that email is still the main medium to interact with clients in most parts of the market.

Unless you are working with the enterprise utilizing a Vendor Management System (VMS) or similar enterprise products, you will find yourself sending resumes attached in an email to your clients all day long.

Time to submit, time to get feedback, and time to fill are all critical metrics for every staffing and recruiting business. Interacting with clients only via email won't improve those metrics. Even worse, it creates a bad client experience in the long run and in turn increases the chances for your really good candidates to drop out of your pipeline. Let's face it, no one wants to see 10 attachments in an email, have endless email threads, or wait 2 weeks for feedback.

In addition, several other factors have come into play to disrupt the traditional staffing market. Chief among these is the rise of online talent networks such as Upwork and Fiverr. These platforms have proven highly successful in large part because of transparency that aids both the client and candidate experience.

We believe that staffing and recruiting companies have a huge opportunity to shine right now.

The notion of digital transformation evolved from a buzzword to a critical and accelerating fact for the staffing industry. Nowadays every staffing and recruiting business has to deliver a digital-first customer & candidate experience. A research report from Bullhorn found that 43% of staffing agencies are now implementing a digital transformation strategy — a 72 percent increase from 2020.

"Let us take the business out of email! Email is where things go to rest in peace" - Lauren Jones, Leap Consulting Solutions

Thank you, Lauren! We think you are totally right!

Every staffing and recruiting company deserves to have a stunning client experience. That's why we are building Candidately. The modern digital storefront for your staffing business.

A simple digital link lets your customers access your candidate submissions from anywhere and anytime. We reduce your time to submit, cut client feedback times in half, provide you with instant analytics and a live chat that lets you collaborate with your customers in real-time.

You can call it a client portal, we call it the digital storefront for forward-thinking staffing companies.

Giving staffing and recruiting companies a digital-first way to keep candidates in front of their customers, is our way to help the industry move one step forward. That's just the first step. We are only getting started.

Stay tuned for more updates on how Candidately works in our upcoming posts.

Don't forget to signup for the World Staffing Summit 2022.