June 14, 2024

Why Staffing Firms Should Offer Self-Service Solutions to Their Clients

Jan Jedlinski

Co-Founder & CEO, Candidate.ly

Staffing firms act as the middle ground between employers and employees. It takes a lot to match the right candidates with the right skills, experience, and disposition to the right employer. It’s no wonder that once in a while they might want to improve their efficiency. 

An excellent way for staffing firms to do this is to offer their clients self-service solutions. Self-service for clients used to be a nice option, but those days are gone. Currently, a positive customer experience requires self-service to be available for customers. 

What are self-service solutions?

Self-service solutions are any measures, resources, or processes that a customer can pursue themselves without needing a representative from the company offering the solutions. The commonest examples are FAQs, online discussion forums, knowledge bases, automated call centers, and AI chatbots. 

The majority of people don’t want to have to speak to someone in order to get more information or solve a problem. They’re looking for a solution that’s quick, easy, simple, and straightforward. Self-service solutions are exactly that. 

They empower customers to solve their qualms by themselves, give them express gratification, and let them feel accomplished. 

The majority of traditional staffing agencies function like the real estate industry, where agents show available houses; self-service for clients simply isn’t made available to clients – yet. There are some online staffing agencies that do offer self-service solutions, and if traditional staffing agencies did as well, they could offer an experience similar to that of their online competitors. 

How can staffing companies offer self-service for clients?

Here are some of the ways in which staffing companies can offer their clients self-service options. 

  1. Showing top candidates on the company website (with anonymized candidate data)

Staffing firms can feature the most promising candidates on their website to increase the candidate’s visibility. The candidates’ data should be anonymized to protect their privacy, but their key information (such as their highest level of education) minus identifying factors (such as their names, dates of birth, locations, etc.) can be put on display.

This makes it possible for clients to notice more possible employee candidates, find candidates that really stand out to them, and be more involved in the recruiting process.

This also increases the competition and available choices for the candidates without them having to put in additional effort or time. 

  1. Weekly/bi-weekly/monthly updates on new candidates to clients 

Sometimes clients might not have the time to sift through mountains of possible candidates, aren’t in a hurry to choose a candidate, or simply haven’t found the right one despite a thorough search. 

Sending timely updates to clients on new candidates can:

  • Help remind them of their search
  • Show them new candidates without them having to lift a finger 
  • Keep them in the loop 
  • Maximize efficiency 
  • Show thought and effort on the staffing firm’s part 
  • Boost customer satisfaction 
  • And of course, help clients find their perfect candidate.

  1. Client portal

Client portals for staffing agencies allow for candidate submissions, client feedback, and third-party integrations. Clients can view candidate profiles, video interviews, social profiles, documents, and even skill assessments. 

Staffing and recruiting agencies can give their clients improved:

  • Communication
  • Customer service
  • Productivity
  • Accessibility
  • Customized content
  • Collaboration and more. 

The quicker and easier clients can find the information that they want, the higher their customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. It also means that employees of the staffing agency are freer to do what only they can do, meaning that the staffing agency enjoys higher productivity, efficiency, and profitability all around.  

Candidately can help 

Candidately can do all of these things and more. Although called a client portal by many, we like to think of ourselves as the digital storefront for forward-thinking companies. We are the means for the staffing industry to move forward.

When you use Candidately from within Bullhorn, you can:

  • Give clients instant access to review candidate submissions
  • Keep your candidate presentations consistent
  • Get instant feedback and enable collaboration
  • Get real-time analytics and instant insights
  • And stand out with your brand. 

We are a digital staffing client portal that gives candidates the power to manage their work lives on their own terms and time while also saving recruiters’ precious time and effort. All of this while also giving clients a straightforward and involved experience when it comes to finding the right fit. 

If you’ve got a modern staffing agency or are interested in becoming one, then book a demo of Candidately here.