
Discover the Incredible Connections Framework for Immediate, High Impact Process Change


Ryan McCabe: Hello, everyone. I'm just going to give it a couple of seconds for people to get a thank you. Whether it's afternoon, early evening or wherever you are in the world. Thank you for joining us. I'm going to spend the next 40 to 50 minutes. I think talking through The Incredible Connections Framework.

Ryan McCabe: It's something that we'd been building for. Unknown to us where we're actually building it for years. And it's a culmination of learnings across the world from a staffing firm, clients that recruitment agency, clients of which are already a hundred of them. And about 10,000 users. So there's a lot of information and here I hope that a lot of your things that valuable.

Ryan McCabe: One thing I really enjoy when I come to these events myself, as those real actionable takeaways that I don't need to go and reinvent the whole process to implement. I can just take them away, give them a, go, see how they're responded to, and then make a choice from there if I want to really kind of investigate it more.

Ryan McCabe: So hopefully there's some of those takeaways and here for you today I'm going to share my screen and I'm taking you through and as much detail as I can are The Incredible Connections Framework. And for those of you that don't know, Odro. My name is Ryan Mccabe. I'm the Chief Executive of Odro and Odor as our video platform built specifically for recruiters and we exist to help look for those who create incredible connections through every stage of the hiring process.

Ryan McCabe: So that's three markers as the amount of opportunities that you have to create that incredible connection that could be between. Your brand and a candidate could be between your recruiters and your clients, that it could be you enabling a clique and incredible connection between your clients and the candidates that you've introduced.

Ryan McCabe: In terms of what we're going to cover today. I'm going to cover a couple of the findings that we've got from the current market. We speak to hundreds of recruitment, business leaders, and thousands of consultants every month. And we hear about what's going on through their eyes. We'd also be members of several different groups. Almost all of the models, top providers and recruitment technology.

Ryan McCabe: So we get a few temperature checks on where the world is, where the recruitment model does at the moment. So I'll go through a few of the current market observations and hopefully those resonate with you, or then go into an introduction of The Incredible Connections Framework. Again, I'll give you four simple steps that you can take away today that can make a big impact on your process and how you use video through that.

Ryan McCabe: We've got a bit of a cheeky free giveaway at the end of this, and then we'll wrap up and I'll be happy to answer any questions, just getting right into it. That says some of the observations that we're hearing right now in the market, some of them that can help us, some of them we can't, but just to give you a bit of an overview on the problems that are being faced out there.

Ryan McCabe: So if you are facing them yourself, you're not alone. Candidate no show for internal interview specifically are becoming more and more a department that we feel that says, or the general consensus as that, just because there's so many options for candidates that no show has just become about more department, because there's more things to go to.

Ryan McCabe: There may be bait off more than they can chew, commit to too many things. Or indeed, you know, there's such a state of flux and the walk-in and vitamin right now that they changed the main. You're going to be part of the great resignation, the great migration, whatever we want to call it. Not qualifying your rules properly seems to be something that, because the market has so buoyant, can actually cause recruiters to waste time on roles that aren't necessarily the best use of their time.

Ryan McCabe: So just for people that I'm not sure can, I can see who's online right now. So I'm just going to have to explain everything as I go. We believe in it. We believe really deeply in schooling your jobs. So if you want a role and you've given you one, not an assignment to work on it, categorically. The best way to pack.

Ryan McCabe: What's priorities you walk on fosters by scoring those rules and relation to your success by previous success or future success of feeling those roles. For example, let's say you have gold, silver and bronze level roles. So a gold level role would be a retainer role. Yeah, I've interview slot arranged. It's obviously only you that's working that role.

Ryan McCabe: You've probably felt it within the last three months you have about the candidate pipeline at his Mecca. That's exactly what you want to be working on. Then you'll maybe have silver rules where it's not retained, but as exclusive you have interview slots and you walked on the role maybe six months ago.

Ryan McCabe: So you have a well. That's already been done, but there's a little bit more work involved and see our gold role. And then finally our Bronze role could be as a contingent basis, you're up against 7/10, all the agencies. However, as you're up against all these other agencies, you have not filled the role recently.

Ryan McCabe: And it's. You know, a lower fee than you're used to 10- 15%, that has a Bronze role. And what we find those when you actually, as a recruiter, step back and analyze your process, analyze your pain point, and score those jobs against the things you care about. You'll find that actually you should be focusing 80% of your time.

Ryan McCabe: On the top 20% of those roles, potatoes lobster all the way to that. So that's a very simple way to qualify your roles against things you cared about. But it also a says something, even the people who know how to qualify the roles. One thing we forget to do is explain to the client their scoring process.

Ryan McCabe: And I know that sounds counterintuitive, but if a client gives you a bronze role, you can explain to the client, thank you very much for the role. We're really happy to walk into that role. We would class that as a bronze assignment and that's because we don't have interview slots with you. You know, where we're up against five other agencies, we could make this a slower role.

Ryan McCabe: Which was the lowest test, seen more resources and more time against that by governors, interview slots, getting rid of all the competition, here's all the things we'll do for you and return. And that gives the client clarity on what to expect. It gives you a negotiating point to get a better role, empty a pipeline, and just overall gives you clarity on what was realized that they're going to command rather than something halfway through the month.

Ryan McCabe: Hoping. One the right candidate at the right time. But that seems to be a bad thing that people are facing right now is qualifying those roles. Low response rate from the candidates, candidate engagement right now as by far the largest problem that our clients seem to be facing. And that's something that we focus a lot of our team and resell on.

Ryan McCabe: How do we get candidates to respond to you above any other agency? And that's something I'm going to be covering today. Hopefully that's something you can take of me at the end suddenly. So I wouldn't spend too much time on that. Hey, another problem that we're finding as the candidates drop out of the process, because clients take too long to give the recruiter feedback.

Ryan McCabe: It's very difficult for clients to understand the market has changed. We don't have, as long as we used to convince candidates that explained to Candidates. How valuable that Role has compared to the other rules that are being offered. So the client's moving too slow, seems to be a big silent Biller Kellers.

Ryan McCabe: And the candidate is not sort of the clients not understanding that as a candidate led market. And what I mean by that, as I'm speaking from experience here as a hiring manager, As a hiring manager. And I know have to understand that the first stage of interviewing a good candidate is sailing or business to them and selling the opportunity to them.

Ryan McCabe: And that's something that is quite difficult for clients to understand in today's market, they feel like the pay a fee you're managing the process. You know, this year, Feel grateful that they get the opportunity to work with your business, but realistically, that's just not who the model does anymore.

Ryan McCabe: So you need to understand your clients need to understand that you have to then find your value proposition for your business and take that to the candidate faster. And that seems to be something that is slowing down some billing and making it where it's more fashionable than it has to be as a recruiter in this market.

Ryan McCabe: One thing I didn't see coming was a brief changing the midway through the process. So the recruiter puts all of the work into the top of the funnel and then discovers when the candidates are presented to the client. Even though the recruiter has matched the brief exactly, the client are either ads or not.

Ryan McCabe: But have the criteria to get an interview or take something away or cheat moves the goalposts slightly and you're on a contingent payment model that can completely wipe out weeks of what. So we have something that might be able to support that. If that's something that resonates with you and then finally something else that's causing clients causing recruitment agency.

Ryan McCabe: A bit of an issue as they're both themselves and their clients are really slow to improve the process. They're not willing to improve the process that maybe choosing to throw money at the problem, instead of actually realizing that a main stage and interview process entities market is not the right place to go.

Ryan McCabe: It's not the right way to do it. I think a big education piece is required from staffing firms to hiring managers and hiring and businesses to see. Everyone knows that's employment market is completely different to anything we've experienced. And to that end. You should innovate your process to suit.

Ryan McCabe: We shouldn't expect that the existing process that's been there for 10 years is going to serve a market that has never existed in those 10 years. So as a recruitment consultant, I would expect that people can consult with our clients and explain to them what are better ways of doing things out there.

Ryan McCabe: If you see room to improve in the process, But have a five minute overview on what we are seeing in the market, which is affecting people's performance. In fact, in business performance overall, and possibly being a big restrictor to growth and that's across the US and Europe. I'm going to bring the framework up now and I just want to give a quick Center where it came from and how we've built it.

Ryan McCabe: So incredible connections framework is built into three sections. We have the attract stage. We then have the assessment stage and then we have the aftercare stage. And I believe that those are the three fundamental areas of a hiring process that you can improve. There's definitely areas of those processes, but if you just zoom out and you'll look at the process as a whole, those are three that's.

Ryan McCabe: Created those buckets. And again, just to reiterate, this is not something that we've written made up and use the sales collateral that says Our experience with over 800 recruitment brands over 10,000 users that as the best use cases across the world for using video specifically through the hiring process.

Ryan McCabe: As it stands this as a standard hiring process and all that. Talking about a captive audience, everyone here knows the hiring process and will not dwell on this. But as you can see from the left-hand side, it starts from the business development process on how you win the role all the way through briefing calls, job adverts, candidate searches, and interviews.

Ryan McCabe: Right the way through to offer. And beyond the offer there, we also have testimonials, we've got referrals and something called placed, the unplaced, which I'll touch on. But but you can see here, vestige is a standard interview process. Sorry, a standup hiring process. Now, when we talk about video, most people point to.

Ryan McCabe: Two or three areas and that hiring process, what do they feel you can add video that can make an impact on your revenue, on your efficiency, on the candidate experience and the client experience. They think there's two or three and actually 16. Now these 16 are use cases. These are benefits that can be measured, that can be implemented to take your hiring process and to the 21st century.

Ryan McCabe: I'll go through some of these. I just, we don't have enough time to go through them all. I'm just going to go through a couple of the pressing issues that I mentioned in that first couple of slides, and we can talk about the impact value it can have on that process still. And this is a bit of an overwhelming slay.

Ryan McCabe: They don't want to go too deep into that. If I focus solely on the Attract element. This is talking about bringing the rule on all the way through to the recruiter and interviewing them so that the client is not involved in seeing a candidate at this stage, but just for complete clarity, most recruitment consultants, whether they are sales or the, the recruitment consultants, they will go through a sales process to bring roles on.

Ryan McCabe: They will then have a briefing call with the hiring manager to make sure they understand exactly what the Hiring manager needs. They will then advertise that job through job boards, LinkedIn jobs, LinkedIn posts, et cetera. They will then conduct proactive candidates out on all of the places that they want to look.

Ryan McCabe: And then finally, they will meet with that candidate to discuss that sort of video or a phone call or whatever they will meet with that candidate to get more information to present to the client. As you can see there's five ways here that video can have an impact to give you a very quick overview.

Ryan McCabe: On the business development process. If you send someone a video message, as opposed to a copy and paste, read and message the stats all over the web, not just from our draw that tell you can increase your response rates by at least 70%. So that's not something I'm going to go into today, but just for clarity, if you're sending a copy and paste message through a LinkedIn recruiter, you will give yourself a 70% higher chance of converting that candidate.

Ryan McCabe: Or that client if you use an ideal message once you've won that assignment, or you've at least got a meeting to talk about a role with a client with them to move onto their briefing call. I'm going to zoom in on that a little bit more than the next slide. But just to give everyone a bit of unseat and to that we can, from the same 30 to 45 minute call that you're already having, there's some instant value you can take from that, which will give you better candidate engagement that will give you a quicker plane to hire and a better relationship with the client from the same 45 minutes.

Ryan McCabe: You're already spending time with that client. Again, video job advertisements are obvious. We all know the way the world does with Video or tech talk, the boss thing on the scene and Instagram video. Everything else is proving that viewing habits have changed and their value as the most consumed medium for media online today.

Ryan McCabe: So it's obvious a way that would play a part in the high process. Again, using the same methodology for clients, sending personalized videos to candidates, whether that's personalized for the role or personalized for the candidate is up for debate. And then finally, on the decrypted interview, we recommend that recruiters have.

Ryan McCabe: And an introduction video and the bank that the record once a year, and that video as, hi, my name's Ryan. And I'm going to be meeting with you to discuss the role that we've bounced back and forth o linkedin., don't worry about waiting for a shift in thigh. Don't, whatever the structure of the meeting, I'd like to know X, Y, and Z, but I'm really looking forward to see you tomorrow.

Ryan McCabe: If you need anything between now and then, or the 10, no longer suits, please let me know. And we can rearrange that video now. An order for example, is one link that is then sent to every candidate. 24 hours before they meet with the recruiter and that will dramatically reduce no-shows. So if no shows, is that an issue for you?

Ryan McCabe: We found that it's usually because the candidate is nervous. The candidate is over-committed. The candidate does not have a connection with you or your brand. You're just a faceless recruiter at that point. A or they just are not sure what they're getting themselves into as a two week process, a six month process.

Ryan McCabe: You need to give them that clarity. And we found that when you put our template video recorded from the recruiter at that stage in the process nor show dramatically reduced. So that's some of the ways and the attract process that video can have an impact on your metrics. I'm going to zoom into one specifically, excuse the pun.

Ryan McCabe: A, which is the beefing call? No, just for complete clarity. Odro Proudly integrates with Microsoft teams and Zoom. So if your consultants are using zoom or teams where the only video provider on the planet that can actually end to get those recorded values. And to a portal as part of our wider video interview platform.

Ryan McCabe: Thank you. It's important that we create as little friction as possible for consultants, for clients and for candidates, but here's one of the ways that we can actually use the, for the 30 to 45 minute briefing call that you already do. And we can create a lot more value from the exact same time.

Ryan McCabe: So what we recommend. As if you fire up a Microsoft team, call with the hiring manager or zoom, or you can use Odro's video function completely up to you. Go online with the Hiring manager. I mean, have the introduction, chat, the small talk, the weather, the lock downs, all that good stuff. And it's not recorded when we're ready to take the brief from the client.

Ryan McCabe: We ask the client politely, can we record this brief? So. I can pass this across to resources. I can pass it internally and make sure that they're listening to your version of the brief, not mine. I don't want anything to be lost in translation and in the same vein, I don't want to get halfway through the process and I've walked to one brief and then we change it halfway through.

Ryan McCabe: So can we agree to record this for internal purposes? I can send you a copy. I've not had that bit of. So I would recommend you record that part of the brief. Once you've got the brief from the client, you start recording, you said masses, client. That's great. Thank you so much. One other thing that may help me engage with candidates better and engage with more candidates earlier in the process as if I can interview you right now, I'd like to ask you three questions.

Ryan McCabe: The questions are, why do you like working for X company? What is it that you're looking for? Behaviors and values and this candidate. And thirdly, what do you think are the most important traits from us candidates? If you can ask those three questions and are an interview pattern with the client and use that video to engage with passive candidates, you are in a much better position than anyone else.

Ryan McCabe: Sending a message to a candidate, to engage with them with valuable content. So if you've got an opportunity to send a candidate, Hi Mrs. Candidate. I'd like to speak to you, but that's the role. I have a video of me and the highly manager of discussing what's needed. Could I send you that over if the reply?

Ryan McCabe: Yes, you're already in a dialogue with that person, rather than asking them if they would like a call or like a chat, the like everything that's a big commitment. Everyone's busy, but if you're just asking them, if they'd like to see the video, that's you having a soft thought yet a much more valuable impact at the First and the First introduction to the candidate than anyone else in the market.

Ryan McCabe: So it helps you stand though. It helps you access more candidates and increases your response rate, and it keeps the client happy that they're delivering their message directly to the candidate. So it's a win-win for everyone. That's again, this is the time you're already spending on the briefing call. The final part of the briefing call as If possible, ask the client, excuse me, ask the client what questions they want to see the answers to.

Ryan McCabe: From the candidate and then offer the client that you can meet with the candidate online and record the answers to those two or three questions so that when you submit the CV or resume that our value along, say that asking the screening questions. Now what we find those when a candidate progresses from that stage, 80% of the time, they are deemed suitable for hire by the client.

Ryan McCabe: So just to go through that again, after you've done all the work up until that point, if a candidate progresses past that stage, 80% of those candidates are then deemed suitable for the role. So with that in mind, you can now project better, you can have a much more accurate pipeline, and you can also provide real value to your clients because they're not spending or wasting anywhere near as much time as they would with your competitors because you've taken.

Ryan McCabe: What they're spending a team on and you're making them much more efficient in the process. So look, I'm happy to answer any questions as this comes through. So I've got the chat open on the right hand side. If anyone wants to ask questions all the way through, please feel free to add them in again, just to clarify in the briefing call, this is 30 to 45 minutes that you're already spending, so you can get so much more value from the exact sentiment and time that you've already seen.

Ryan McCabe: So after the briefing call, from a video perspective, that says what we call the theft, but at kickstart on every vacancy, if you want a vacancy and you have an assignment to work with air command that you spend 30 minutes to kickstart this on every single one. And that's all we need these 30 minutes, the first one for step on that is to record the video.

Ryan McCabe: From the recruiter, that's going to be engaging with candidates. The recruiter is calling a 30 to 62nd video talking about the vacancy. My name's Ryan. I work for X Recruitment and I'm currently recruiting for a full stack JavaScript developer, working on these frameworks for this business. This is all a selling point.

Ryan McCabe: Now that value was then used in the outreach at several different points. We can cover that in another session, but that is one of the big benefits. Secondly, how we use our producer to create a video job. And you could also use that to add subtitles to the client interview that you took on the briefing call.

Ryan McCabe: So again, there's a lot of different ways we can do that. Our clients choose to have a bespoke framework when they implement this. So some clients don't want to do a client interview because it's all lower level contingent rules. They want to take the business. All our clients get an exclusive, they can charge a little bit more to their clients, so they want to record that.

Ryan McCabe: But one of our tools, Odra producer adds subtitles, logos, banners, intro, outro all the good stuff to a video. So that is what we would recommend here, that is the kickstart. And then finally, if you remember the pre-interview template that I spoke about, which was a recruiter, seeing my name's Ryan. We're going to meet tomorrow for 24 hours.

Ryan McCabe: Don't worry. There's no need for a shirt and tie. This is a very casual conversation. We're going to talk about X, Y, and Z. And from the other process it takes X weeks if you record that at the start of every vacancy or say, take 50 minutes and stop drop-offs and increase response rates and increase candidate engagement.

Ryan McCabe: The so much that we take from. From 50 simple minutes at the start of the process. Now this is a non Odra step, but we recommend that you clear a market map, which most people do when they walk in a rule. But if you have a market map of other people that hire this type of individual, keep it handy, I'll cover that shortly.

Ryan McCabe: So that has again, hopefully useful take away, which is a very simple 50 minutes. And we can take that. We can take that away. In terms of recording that video message pair vacancy. It's got to be what we term all Keller North Fella Academy. But if someone wants to put in the comments, someone came up with an album and it was called old Keller north fella.

Ryan McCabe: And I cannot remember who it was, but we use this quite a lot. Should it was a rock album, enemy. This is all Keller nor fella. This is very important when you're recording a video, the mistake people make. It's the record, the video, and give as much information as possible, but that doesn't equate to as much value as possible.

Ryan McCabe: You will not get a candidate, some 41. Thank you very much for the job done. That's exactly who it has. So back to us. You will you will, Turn candidates off. If you record a three and a half minute video and expect them to watch. Well not all. You have to keep this video as close to 30 seconds. As you can, 30 seconds as enough time to tell them the two big selling points of the opportunity as I've written here.

Ryan McCabe: If you have a real benefit, then use that. But I know it's not always possible, but if you can use the two biggest selling points, see them in 30 seconds, tell them the top end of the salary, give them the Timeline for the interviews. I don't know why. And in a lot of cases, forget how valuable that has because it's a call to action.

Ryan McCabe: It creates urgency. If the message said to the candidate, this is the rule, this is why it's so good. And we are interviewing for it next week with a view to offer within three weeks. I'd love to speak to you about that. It means that the can leave it for a week before they respond. And it can say our agency and an immediate response at that point, which gets me to the call to action.

Ryan McCabe: You can tell them that you're going to take the next step, which I like to call it, keeping the ball in your court. It's that kind of method beloved by an audible. If the next action is always on you. Then you can keep control of the process. So you can see on the video, I'm going to give you a call over the next couple of days.

Ryan McCabe: If it's a time that suits you, please let. Otherwise, I'll speak to you in a call. If they don't need an answer, you can go back again until the next thing you're going to do. But the fact as if you have a video of a pear vacancy and you use that to introduce yourself and the client and the vacancy, you're giving yourself the best chance at getting a response from a passive candidate.

Ryan McCabe: So, again, this is very high-level. As part of our service, we go into a lot of detail. We make sure that everyone's getting a bespoke service from us, and we'd be able to craft a video. That's a little bit more bespoke for your business. One of the other parts, which I think is the final module that I'm going to go through a as something we call place the unplaced.

Ryan McCabe: Now, if we just take this back to what recruitment consultants do for the client, the go to the market. They speak to please take that as arbitrary numbers. We go to the market and we speak to 25 candidates that rule within the script, that down to 10 for an interview with me, and then that, cause don't fall back to four candidates that we would then submit to the client.

Ryan McCabe: So we've done a lot of walking at the top of the funnel and we've ended up with four candidates that we think the client should see. So what we can then see is, send the four candidates over to the client, go through the process. We use something called a talent dashboard, which is a portal for video interviews, salary, notice recruiter flags, as well as resumes documents, right?

Ryan McCabe: To work checks, qualifications, everything's all on there. And it gives you intelligence on who's viewing what document, what video and when. Plus we have a whole chat function to, to collaborate with the hiring manager through the, so that's something that we do and giving you the ability to then recycle the four candidates.

Ryan McCabe: Let's see, for example, we send that to the client. One candidate gets the job. We have three candidates that are suitable. We deem them to be suitable for that possession. And yet once we've made that fee, those three candidates usually are put back in the ATS and may go and look for another role. Yeah.

Ryan McCabe: With the talent dashboard, we have a duplicate button, which means you can take out the one candidate that won the role. You've then left with three good candidates that are willing to move to the right opportunity. So what we take as the market map from a few slides ago, The market might be prepared at the start of the vacancy.

Ryan McCabe: We map out all of the other businesses that would hire this type of individual, and we can then submit the talent dashboard on a speculative basis to everyone on that market map. After we've taken out the candidate, I've actually put in a temp. I put that template here for what you could potentially see to a client if you are sending across a speculative talent dashboard.

Ryan McCabe: Yesterday, I successfully phoned the best company's best candidate within this week. And here's three other great candidates that the company just doesn't have availability for. That is a simple way you can copy and paste that and send that out to 10, 20, 30, 40 prospect clients. And the good news as we give you the intelligence to know whether or not the opener, whether or not they watch video.

Ryan McCabe: Whose value of the watch that the comment that they collect requests that interview all of us as on the table and better than that, if for example, the client comes back and says, no, thanks. We don't wake any of these candidates, you know, nor that they would take a candidate if the spec was slightly different.

Ryan McCabe: So you've then got a conversation. Then, you have to talk about potentially walking a similar rule, and that just repeats the cycle again. And again. It's an intelligent way to fill your funnel. And it's very efficient when it comes to the activity of putting into the funnel. So that's something that we called placed the unplaced as based on talent dashboards, you can use this in any short less.

Ryan McCabe: Let me just be Frank if you wouldn't get the intelligence and videos and you wouldn't have that kind of wild factor. But at the end of the day, if you're pulling together a short list and you have three candidates left, Spec those three candidates to your market map and start to engage in intelligent conversations.

Ryan McCabe: Yes. If it's just a CV, it will not be as engaging and you wouldn't get, you know, someone is keen to read a CV income back to you, as you would have someone watching a video and you get the intelligence, but it's a very simple way of recycling your work that you've not yet been paid for. That says the backend of The Incredible Connections Framework.

Ryan McCabe: This is a different slide to the first one. That's tells you what to do. The first slide was the benefits that we can clear each end, but this slide shows you the ways in which we see a benefit. We improve a metric, a or we improve the process for your client or experience for your candidate. And that's something that we do put together for a lot of our staffing from client.

Ryan McCabe: Some of the hidden benefits of video. I think people obviously go to the time saving factor. They obviously go to the innovation staying ahead of competition, building rapport quicker with candidates. They go to all that stuff. But what people don't realize is that video can reduce your. It can increase your responses and it can increase your candidate referrals.

Ryan McCabe: It can automate marketing material from testimonials that come from clients and candidates that were part of successful projects. We can very simply and easily control document collection. From a FF collecting documents rate to what checks, qualifications, identification. If that's an issue for you, you can automate that through video.

Ryan McCabe: You can also add value to clients that does have a lasting impact on your clients. If you've taken this to them for. You're firstly, reducing the risk of someone else beating you to it. But secondly, you're also showing your client that you're not willing to rest on your laurels. You're happy to keep pushing and keep pushing for better value.

Ryan McCabe: And in return you want an exclusive relationship with them, but you have to take the first step and show them that you're willing to consistently strive for excellence and the. Again, we spoke about places, the unplaced that are placing more candidates that you've already interviewed. Someone phrased us to me before.

Ryan McCabe: It's like getting 175% of the fee. You agreed because you can obviously give someone a discount because you've already done the work. It's easy, we end it's profitable for the business. Just a very simple way of getting started. And it's very easy to make it clear for clients that you will go to great lengths to government excellence through the process.

Ryan McCabe: That's just some of the hidden video benefits that are a lot more, but again, that's just to educate people on what actually success look like? What part can video play through 2022 and beyond, we put a lot of effort across the world, understanding what the future looks like. That is what we'd all value is and our DNA.

Ryan McCabe: It's something that we were very passionate about and will consistently push the envelope on. And look as part of us as about of a free offer for anyone who's attending this life. We're happy to work with you to create your own bespoke framework. It's something we do for clients that we have already, but as a bit of an Odro, and I thank you for attending today we're happy to walk with you to create a bespoke framework for you.

Ryan McCabe: Now, what that means is it's a document that has both video steps or. But it also has steps that are of unknown value. So you may want to add market mapping onto your framework. You may want to add. CV thing you may want to add a qualification check or a psychometric test. This is up to you. But the point is, if we create a bespoke framework that shows just the lengths you go to and the innovation you have in your process, then we're happy to create that, that you, something you can give to your clients that say, this is what makes us different.

Ryan McCabe: And the earlier in the process you'd deliver that. The more impact that you'll have on the client and the better chance you have of creating an incredible connection with them, which is where all the best relationships, both in client and candidate come from. There's a QR code there and the circle and that I was given five minutes before we went live.

Ryan McCabe: So thanks to Janie and our marketing team for pulling it together. If you take a, if you click on that link, that's, if you take your camera, put up to the QR code and follow the link, you were taken to a page that requests an audit. That's how to get a bespoke framework. So we'd have to sit down with you, talk through what we have and what your process looks like, and then map out a suitable process for you going through the framework.

Ryan McCabe: So please feel free to take a full tour of that. Go through the QR code. And then just book an order. Someone on our team will spend some time with you doing that. So here's my details. I want to thank everyone first of all, for taking the time. I can see tech consultants on there asking for costs and things.

Ryan McCabe: If you fell on that Form, I'm happy for someone to come back to you. Just so we need a little bit more information than that. But we are very competitive. Look, I'd love to, I'd love to speak to people who have been watching this for any questions at all. Please send them over to me. I really enjoy talking about that stuff.

Ryan McCabe: I'm very passionate about it personally, but we all are passionate about that in the business. If we can give you the opportunity to create incredible connections across your candidates and across your clients, it's only going to be good for everyone. So thank you all very much. As I see my contact details are there.

Ryan McCabe: So if anyone has anything else they would like to ask, please let me know. So again, thank you all very much, and there are hopefully your.


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Ryan McCabe




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