
How to stand out as a staffing firm.


Jim Coughlin: Welcome everybody. This is Jim Coughlin, Creative Director, clubVMSA. I want to thank you. The world staffing Summit 2022 powered by I want to thank Jan for inviting me. I will be doing another session this afternoon on what buyers want. That'll be at 4:30 Eastern time, but today this session is all about how to stand out as a staffing firm.

Jim Coughlin: I guess the first question would be why would you want to stand out at all? Obviously to get business, but maybe you got too much business. Maybe you want to stand out to the candidate population so that they come to you instead of your competitors. Maybe you want to stand out to the staffing professionals out there so you can grow your internal team.

Jim Coughlin: So they don't go to the competitors. Or maybe you do want to stand out to clients and new prospects. So before we get started, we got like an hour here, I think. We'll take a few minutes. Go ahead and go in the chat window and tell me who you are. 

Jim Coughlin: Tell me, I'm an owner. I'm a recruiter. I'm an account manager.

Jim Coughlin: I'm a salesperson. And why you want to stand out and who you want to stand out too. So this is an interactive virtual world. Ready? Go ahead and type in the chat window. Who are you? Why do you want to stand out? I'll wait. I'm waiting. 

Jim Coughlin: Let's see it. Who are you? Anybod, I know there's 49 people in this session.

Jim Coughlin: Oh, here we go. Sales person, Account Manager, Shilpa. How's it going? Shilpa, Pierce, because we want to be the best. Okay. 

Jim Coughlin: President and CEO love it. Pamela what's up? 

Jim Coughlin: All right. Queenie's on the call. I'm the owner, IT recruitment company. We would like to attract the best candidates in the world for our clients. IT recruitment.

Jim Coughlin: Okay. All right, Rachel, love it. Rachel. Good. Look at all the people that are on the call. This is great. So this is going to be interactive and you're going to need to work a little bit. So get a piece of paper and a pencil. Okay. Something to write with or your keyboard or whatever you do. I'm going to share my screen.

Jim Coughlin: I got a little bit prepared for you, but we're going to be interactive. So you're going to do some work here. All right. So let me just open this up. It's good to see everybody here and hopefully you can see this. How does it stand out as a staffing firm? Yeah. Good sharing my window. I'm going to put it in presentation mode.

Jim Coughlin: There we go. So this is me. It says master trainer Janine made the slide for me. So look, if you want to stand out, the first question I'd ask you is who do you want to recognize you? Who do you want to stand out for? And I would argue that you have three different audiences, at least. But definitely these three, 

Jim Coughlin: If you're a staffing firm, you have to stand out to your prospects and clients. They have to say, see you amidst all of the noise and haste. There's a lot of noise. You see it on Instagram, on LinkedIn posts. Everybody's the greatest, that'd be doing videos, right? So you have to stand out to that audience. You have to stand out to new and existing internal staff. . Because you're going to have to attract staff.

Jim Coughlin: You want to make sure they stay with you and don't go somewhere else. This has been a big problem last year, especially internationally internal employees leaving. Okay. And you want to stand out to the contractors because it's a supply based market right now. It's not a demand to market. It's just a supply market. Right? So the candidate is in the category. Candidates in the top seat. So now I'm going to ask you, and I'm going to hide this for a second so I can see you. There we go. Tell me, who do you want to stand out to primarily. Who do you want to stand out to and share that in the window there, which view would do that? All right. And let's say. I don't want to stop presenting, go ahead and tell me who you want to stand out to contractors folks in purchasing my clients and my MSP partner. Okay. These are good. Great. Okay. Let me stop sharing.

Jim Coughlin: Okay, so you want to stand out to different audiences. So the first thing we got to ask is. Are you going to say the same thing to everybody? No, because of your different audiences, while you're writing those in there, I want to riff a little bit and then I'll come back to my slide. There's going to be a different messaging to stand out and one of the ways you want to stand out is stand up in your videos, but it's a different message. So therefore, all of your communications strategies, whether it be on linkedIn, whether it be on social media, Instagram, Twitter, whether it be email campaigns, it's gotta be a different message to different audiences.

Jim Coughlin: It can't be the same thing. It can't be where the right people for the right company for the right time, for the right place. It can't be an IT staffing firm. Do you know what buyers do when they hear you're an IT staffing firm? 

Jim Coughlin: They. It's gotta be different. So now let me come back to my screen here. Okay. I'm really excited about this presentation, actually. So if I bore you, I'm sorry, but let me come back to this. Here we go. Hopefully you see this different screen. Doesn't look like it's doing that. Hold on one moment. One moment.

Jim Coughlin: Yeah. Okay, good. So. The three audiences all want something different. Don't they all want something different. The clients right now, January 25th, 2022, every one of them, you hear the war for talent, not the war on talent, the war for talent. They all want access to talent that they can't get. I just had a conversation with the head of supplier diversity at CVS health care. He said, we're trying to hire security engineers. Right. And it's the same people that Amazon's hiring and that Citibank is hiring. And, you know, LinkedIn is hiring. 

Jim Coughlin: They all want talent. They all want market information. They want to know what's new in terms of sourcing candidates. What's new in terms of getting diverse candidate pools. What's new in terms of pricing in terms of quality screening, what's new and they want ease of use. They want to make it easy. I put prices there, but prices last. And if you're only offering a message on price to the clients, you will be the first to go because there's no value.

Jim Coughlin: Price cutting. Isn't a value. So what I want you to do is take a moment and type in what other things do clients want that you're hearing in the market? What do they want besides access to talent? Easy to use to get the talent, marketing information on what better ways to move talent through. They might want to wait, how do I keep talent? How do I attract talent in certain unique sessions? Right? Quality candidates. Sure. Customer service and communication. Melissa, I would ask you what does that mean? Customer service, like specifically, what are the things that they would do that would go that's good customer service. Okay. A partnership. How do we want to be a partner? I've got to get real, tangible. Okay. 

Jim Coughlin: Now let me see if I can get these slides. The clients want the candidates. I am not having fun with this screen. Let me see if I can do this. Here we go. The staff, your internal staff. They want something totally different than the clients.Don't they. One of the staff one, you know, you could say, oh, the staff want to work for a great company. Or if you're an owner, you're going to say, oh, they all just want money. 

Jim Coughlin: No. There's so much written and so much talked about, and you can just look at your own experience with the staff. Your internal employees, your recruiters, your account managers, your salespeople want to be acknowledged. They want to be acknowledged for showing up. They want to be acknowledged for doing their best. They want it to be acknowledged for who they are. They want to be seen. This is a benefit that they want. We can talk about what clients want. Right. They will stand out. They want acknowledgement. How do you acknowledge employees?

Jim Coughlin: And it's more than just one a to the one person that got the top billing, we got to acknowledge everybody and we have to acknowledge them in the way that they're going to receive. I'm talking generalities, but I want you to think specifically with this and we'll get to that. They also want flexibility again, so I'll go back to the conversation.

Jim Coughlin: I just had an hour ago with this head of supplier diversity at CBS, he just took the job from a bank. One of the motivating factors for him going, and he's not a millennial, he's a gray beard like me. He said I gave up four days of vacation so that I could work a hundred percent remotely. Because the bank was going to want him to come back into the office.

Jim Coughlin: You can know any other employees like this. They want flexibility. They want employees who want skill development, right? Your employees, your internal staff. You could say they want more money, but just like the client doesn't want the lowest price. They want the best value. The king, your employees want to be able to grow. They want to know that you're gonna coach them, mentor them, guide them, train them, give them new skills, give them new opportunities. New doorways. 

Jim Coughlin: This is a message you have to be able to craft to stand out. All right, let's look at the next one. See if I can go to these next slides here. I only got three more slides. So bear with me. Right. What about the contractors? 

Jim Coughlin: This is a conundrum. Everybody thinks that, here's the deal. The contractors are people just like us, I see what we're in the people business. Right? Let me tell you something. The people's business is not a business, right? We're in the people business. That's not a business unless you're a mortician, then you're in the people business.

Jim Coughlin: Okay. 

Jim Coughlin: We're in the business of communicating benefits to unique audiences. And when we do that, well, we stand. Okay. One of the contractors wants, here's what I think they want. Obviously they want doors open. They want you to be able to open a door. They don't know where the knob is. They don't know how to grab onto it. They don't know which way it turns. They want to know of those unique opportunities. If they can't access, don't have the time to access or don't know where to access it themselves. They want you to help them open doors. That's a benefit that you can give a contractor now. Not all contractors think that they can't open the doors that you can't open. They think they can do that. The second thing I think, I believe contractors want, and you can put some things in here. Oh, I like this to feel special. 

Jim Coughlin: Zap that wants to feel special. Yes, family. They want to be acknowledged. Let me go back to the contract. Contractors want leverage. Now you'll experience the opposite of this when they don't tell you that they got an inner offer and you present them an offer and they say yes, and then they take the counter off and then they don't show up for the job.

Jim Coughlin: How many of you out there have contractors that accept your job and then don't show up for it. That's because you didn't explain to them how you can give them leverage and they didn't use you to leverage their deal. The contractors are leveraging you. You need to leverage them with you. They need to see you as a prime fulcrum in their career.

Jim Coughlin: How you communicate. That is how you stand out. And the third thing I think they want, and you can add seven, 10 things on this list. I'm just giving. They want an advocate. They want an advocate. Look, I'm LGBTQ. I want to know that you're going to add, be an advocate for me when I go to work for the company, like right. I want to be an advocate. I'm a woman going into a traditionally male career. I want an advocate. Okay. They all want something different. Yeah. Debra likes it, but what's in it for them? I know who you're referring to Jim. Okay, good. Good. So long-term partnership, right? So they all want something different.

Jim Coughlin: Now, if you don't agree with me, say, Jim, this is crazy. I'm wasting my time. Or just get off the video. All right. Otherwise, stay with me because I'm building, it's amazing. Gentleman, who's written several books on how stories influence buyers, investors, businesses. Name is Carmen Gala. We had him at one of our events a few years back. 

Jim Coughlin: In fact, we had him at two events. And what he's found in all of his research, then he's talked to the greatest storytellers in the world. Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, you know, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch. They're all storytellers. And what these storytellers all do is they use the rule of three. Now you have three audiences. I think you might have more, you have your investors, you have rights. You have your partners, but you primarily have three audiences.

Jim Coughlin: If you want to stand out as a staffing firm, you have the clients, your prospects, you have your internal staff, you have the contractors. With each one of those three audiences, you should have a minimum of three messages. And I just gave you three for each three, the three reasons to work with you. The three benefits that they're going to get by working with you, and this is the best, the three actions you would recommend. They take.

Jim Coughlin: Right. It's like when you're on a date, right. And you're on a date. I know I'm old school, right? I'm on a date with my wife. I want to give you the three reasons why I stand out, what I can be of benefit. I'm a great provider. I'm a good listener. And I'm a lot of fun to be with. I think we should exchange phone numbers.

Jim Coughlin: I'll send you an email and cards and let's set another date. It's really that simple. Okay. But we forget about it. And what happens is most staffing firms trying to stand out are shotgunning. 

Jim Coughlin: This message of we're an IT staffing firm. We provide the right people, the right time, the right place to everybody.

Jim Coughlin: They're not segmenting their audience. They're not targeting the message. And they're not asking for an action. I want to share. Let me see if I can do this. I want to share. Let me see if I can share. I don't want to stop presenting. I want to share, I'm going to say that one more time. I want to share a no, I don't know how to share.

Jim Coughlin: I want to share, let me see if I can do this full screen. Don't want that. Let me come out of that. Give me just a moment. Interfaces. I want to share well, let me just share. When we talk about.

Jim Coughlin: There's a client, I'm coaching, a staffing firm and they came to me and they said we just created a new arm for LGBT staffing, LGBTQ.

Jim Coughlin: They established a new Portland, LGBTQ staffing portal. In fact, you could even look at it. It's And what they've done is they've set up a portal for if I'm LGBT co. Phew I can go on and look at jobs. And this company, the staffing firm will also identify the employers that are pro LGBTQ. Because all of your clients are looking for that. They have now created a reason for clients to talk to them. They have also created a second benefit. They created a recruiter pool where they can source out there, their job orders to recruiters and no vet, the recruiter and the recruiter wants to take on the job or did they'll split the fee so they can expand and contract their recruiting pool without any overhead to them and access recruiters for, you know, this has been around for a while.

Jim Coughlin: There's a messaging one can take to a client with the benefit of the client will win the war for talent. Not only will the client win the war for talent, but the client can access a candidate pool unavailable to them in the past that can actually help them meet supplier diversity or candidate diversity. By simply accessing a candidate pool that I guess self-identifies as lBGTQ.

Jim Coughlin: Pretty cool, easy thing for the staffing firm to do simple benefit to the client, the messages to the client, and the message is also to the LGBTQ community. It's a different message. We can identify the employers that are looking for you. 

Jim Coughlin: Three audiences, three messages, three reasons to work with you. Three actions to take. Now I want you to just take a moment. And I want you to write in the chat window. Here's an audience I have a benefit for and here's the action. I want them to take a moment and do that. Let's see what you come up with. Ready? Go ready, go see if you can do that and while you're doing that, I'm going to look at this crazy share screen and see if I can come up to the next.

Jim Coughlin: Here we go. Let's see Kennedy care. Question again, please ex offenders and try partnering. Second chance employers. That's good. Charlene, that kind of scares me though. So Charlene has ex offenders and by partnering with second chance employers, 

Jim Coughlin: I would even spin it a little different. I would spin it that society has changed how they view people who have minor offenses and non-violent crimes.

Jim Coughlin: While your security and safety at your company is critically important. We value it. We think you might be missing access to a candidate pool, especially since remote work has given us the opportunity to keep workers at arms distance and not influencing other workers. There's a benefit. I have access to three other workers.

Jim Coughlin: What do I mean by three messages about tech systems? Was it when we bought three tech consultants, three messages. In other words, what is the story I'm telling to the client, to the process? 

Jim Coughlin: If it's just, I'm an IT staffing firm and I get the right people at the right time at the right place. That's one message.

Jim Coughlin: And that's an old message and that's a story nobody wants to hear again. You have to have a different message. 

Jim Coughlin: Okay. That is correct. We do state that we are in love with a great Charlene. Here's a Chris link. We want to source the world's top talent and human capital consulting and connect them with companies that are looking to build an inclusive culture within their organization.

Jim Coughlin: There's a word for what you just wrote there Chris, Jargony jargon sounds good, but there's nothing I can really hold on to. We want to source the world's top talent in human capital consulting and connect them with the companies that are looking to build an inclusive culture within the organization.

Jim Coughlin: Sounds good, but I'm not buying. 'cause it's just, it, I don't have a reason to move on. I would rather have you say one of our clients recognize that the people we sent were the top because. 12 other companies we're recruiting them. And one of the ways we get the top talentis we have a contractor care program that promotes advocacy loyalty and helps those contractors open doors.

Jim Coughlin: So they go with our clients versus the 12 other companies they go with. I would rather have your message say how you're different. In capturing and holding onto those contractors where they don't want to go somewhere else. So let's look, you know, what actions do you want people to take? Here's what I want people to do.

Jim Coughlin: If I'm in staffing and I've been in it for many years, I want them to do a couple of things. For clients, I want them to bait or prospects. I want them to do one. I'm going to give them a job order. Okay. The job requirement, whatever you want to. Just give me a shot on that or I want you to give me a contract and we'll do business, or I want you to give me a referral, introduce me to the global procurement person, the talent acquisition person, your hiring manager.

Jim Coughlin: This person is supplier diversity, the company that you used to work with, where you just left, where, you know, they need somebody. I want a referral because I'm in the people business, but it's not the people business. It's that communication business. It's a transaction business for staff. When I'm talking to staff, I want a couple of things.

Jim Coughlin: I'm not loyal. I want them to produce and I want a referral. Okay. I have to earn loyalty. If I can acknowledge, you know, somebody wrote in here, they want to feel special. If I can make somebody feel heard and seen, that's what they want. Cause that's what I want. I want to be heard and seen, I want to be acknowledged for the unique things I do.

Jim Coughlin: That's different from anybody else. It takes work for your managers to recognize that. And if I can see that in a person and I can see that they're producing, I want a referral from them. Okay. Jenny, you're doing such a good job. You know, you came in right out of college and you really took to our recruiter training.

Jim Coughlin: So well that you're already submitting far above what our senior recruiters are doing and your quality of candidates are great. And you're putting in the effort, which shows your loyalty, even though you're remote, I can really feel like you're right here working for the company. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Jim Coughlin: You must know other people like you that you'd like to work with. Who should I talk to? 

Jim Coughlin: Right. Same thing with contractors. I want honesty from contractors, don't trust you as a recruiter. They play one recruiter against another. They do this a lot, especially if they're new and they're no longer in a relationship.

Jim Coughlin: I have to develop a relationship with the contractor where I stand out as somebody different. How do I do that by the story that I tell? So I have to understand what the contractors, motives and modalities are. Right? So when I'm talking to contractors like Bob, Sandeep, Shilpa, I know you have a ton of opportunities.

Jim Coughlin: What I'm excited about, what you're probably excited about is this is a sellers market, the biggest sellers market we've seen since 2000 2001. Meaning if you have the skills you're getting multiple job orders, the problem is you're getting multiple job orders.

Jim Coughlin: It sounds good at first, but then you get confused because are you taking the wrong one? Are you taking the one that's going to go down? Are you taking the one just for money, but it's not it doesn't give you the skills. Are you taking one for the skills, but the company isn't well-funded what my job? Is not to make money off you. 

Jim Coughlin: I know that's what you think it is. My job is to have you so happy you refer your friends and other contractors to me and the way I'm going to do that is I'm going to give you the insight that you don't have. Don't know how to get or don't have access to what's really going on in the inside of these companies. And I could do that for you for free. All I ask in return is you're honest with me. If you have another job opening, fine.

Jim Coughlin: Just tell them. Right. So right. And I can maybe use that to leverage a better opportunity with you, how you communicate with your contractors, your staff, and your clients is going to determine how you stand out. Especially if you think of their benefits and not your own. Alright. Let's see if I got one more slide here, maybe.

Jim Coughlin: Is this making sense? Is this making sense? 

Jim Coughlin: Another way you can stand up. He can join ClubVMSA, a pitch. I just pitched. So I got to take my own medicine. One of the things that our members have found valuable. That they can't get anywhere else is they get access, direct access to conversations between enterprise buyers in an open dialogue where they can't get anywhere else.

Jim Coughlin: And from that, they hear what the buyers really want and they can engage with them on a one-on-one peer to peer member level in a way they really can't do it at any other conferences or meet? So, you know, we have a lot of ways that people can stand out, whether it be spotlight calls, whether it be, you know, during video chats or during a sponsoring enterprise mastermind, things like that. Oh, and look at Dave. Okay. Jim always sneaks out pitch in, I do Nancy and Nancy Marin. How are you doing? Pamela work? Me and Missy rocks. Yes. Yes. I got a lot of yeses from the staffing firm calling. Yes. Staffing for. I want to share one thing with you. There used to be a woman I used to work with whose name was Barry tone, an amazing recruiter.

Jim Coughlin: She went on to work for an internet service provider and became the head of tech. And she became my client, of course. And I was working with her and she said, Jim, every time a staffing firm calls, I see the number light up on my phone. And if I don't recognize it, she calls it a nap called not a good next, the next or calling, not a good sign, not a good sign, not a good sign.

Jim Coughlin: So you don't want to be the net call. You want to be the one that 

Jim Coughlin: stands out. Okay. Let's see. That is correct. We do state that. Love it. Want to source the world's top 10. Staffing firm calling. Let me see what else I got. Okay, good. Next slide. Last slide, probably. So there's a lot of ways you can stand out. The most important thing is clarifying. Who are you trying to stand out with and what is it that will get their attention? They are telling you this. If you don't know what that is. Joined my session at 4:30 Eastern time today, where I talked to a panel of buyers on what buyers want. They will tell you exactly what they want. And then you craft your message to give them that. And only that, and not anymore, they don't care how you do it. They want to know what you can do for them, that somebody else can't do. And they want to know that you're explaining it in a way that they can digest plain English, not pie in the sky.

Jim Coughlin: Okay, very practical. Let me see. I think I got one more slide here. oh, I do. Hey. If you decide to become a club member VMSA we have an event coming up February 10th, where you can stand out. We have over 45 buyers coming. Global procurement, Talent Acquisition, Workforce Managers. Hiring Managers, blah, blah, blah.

Jim Coughlin: And it's over three hours. You can jump in or out just like this 20 minute session where every session is being presented and facilitated by a buyer and some were sponsors directly. And after that event from one to four Eastern time at 5:00 Eastern time, we have a wine tasting event. 

Jim Coughlin: Power down some red and white and Cabernet. Okay. And then last thing I do want to just give you my contact. You can take this down if you like. This is Jim Coughlin, There's my phone number. 

Jim Coughlin: Yeah, three audiences. Three different messages for each audience, right? Three asks from each person, the power of threes, three little pigs Mo, Larry, curly, Huey, Dewey, Louie, father, son, holy ghost. 

Jim Coughlin: Brahma, Shiva, Krishna.

Jim Coughlin: Everything comes in threes, right? The good, bad, and the ugly. Three audiences identify your three top audiences you want to stand out for each audience. What are the three messages that they need to hear that they want? Whether they're three wants for each of those wants. 

Jim Coughlin: Right? What do you offer that solves that and what are the three asks you would want from them?

Jim Coughlin: Now, most of you are going to finish this session, go to the next session and go on. Jim was okay. Not doing it. Less than 10% of you will write those three things out, three audiences, three messages, three asks you to actually write them. Like I wrote them on the spreadsheet or on the PowerPoint. 

Jim Coughlin: If you can only get that for one audience.

Jim Coughlin: The clients, if you can get clear on the three messages for your clients, the benefits to them, why they should work with you with it, what it's going to give to them, how it's easy to use and the 3s. If you can do that for one you're ahead of 99% of all the other staffing firms, if you can do it for all three, and you get all three circles to meet clients, staff, contractors.

Jim Coughlin: You're going to have a really strong organization. That's going to attract people and hold them to you because your messaging sings to their ear. They're going to want to tune to your Spotify station. They're not going to wander off looking for something else. Look, this whole great resignation thing.

Jim Coughlin: Sure. People are quitting. My age, baby boomers are done with. There's a lot of people still working, and if they're leaving you, they're going somewhere else. 

Jim Coughlin: If you want them to come to you, what it's going to take is the messaging. This is what people are listening to and the messaging has to be clear. So it gets through all the noise on linkedIn and Instagram and Facebook and Twitter.

Jim Coughlin: It's gotta be a clear, driven message that says, I understand. I hear you. I've solved that. Let's talk. Simple. All right. Any other questions? I'm 10% of the way to go. 

Jim Coughlin: Charlene shivers, you write it up 10%. Would you be able to make a copy of this presentation available? I don't know if there's somebody recording it, so, you know, talk to a World Staffing Summit or what you could do, go to and register and be a member. And then I'll give it to you. 

Jim Coughlin: Okay. Give me the money. Show me the money. I got a million of these. 

Jim Coughlin: Any other questions before I sign off? Cause I'm about to do anything. 

Jim Coughlin: Great session. Good. Okay. So here, before you go, don't go yet.

Jim Coughlin: I got 76 people on the call. Write down what you got and what you're going to do differently when you hang up. What'd you get from this? What did you learn that you didn't know before? 

Jim Coughlin: What reinforced that you said, oh, I already knew that, but I forgot it. What are you going to do? Different? These cranes, Addeco creative and marketing person just now. What are you gonna do? Different.

Jim Coughlin: Thank you, Jim. Good afternoon. You're doing more than just okay. Great session. What are you guys going to do? Different. Hello? Write it down. What did you learn? What are you going to do differently? What's the messaging for your candidates, your clients? I learned that the fluffy message needs to have more direction.

Jim Coughlin: I'm going to write my threes. Good. And what you can do. Chris link duarte linking dreams is you can send me your messages and I'll tell you if they're good or not. So there's an offer for those that stayed on longer of your 73 people in this session. If you rewrite your messages. Literally write out the message.

Jim Coughlin: Send it to me. I'll critique it. I'll write back and critique. You got my email right there. Okay. I've learned so much from Jim over the past few months. Oh, thanks anton. Yeah. Yeah. Good new roles. We're hiring for it to sell our culture and develop more for the job. Yeah. Look, Hey, let me tell you something about culture.

Jim Coughlin: One last thing, people don't leave cultures. People don't leave companies. They leave leaders. They leave managers. I don't want to work for that guy anymore. That's why they leave. Not the culture and if it is the culture, it's what the person sees. I'm the culture. I'm like a bacteria in a Petri dish. I'm the culture.

Jim Coughlin: So your managers are that, could they imbue the culture? They express the culture in their messaging. Okay, good. Lisa Crane, send me your messaging. Good. Awesome. 

Jim Coughlin: Thank you for the offer. Good. Liebow it's client acquisition manager, three messages to clients. I'm going to do it differently. Good show percent.

Jim Coughlin: Glad to be a part of a good Melissa Lang. Good. 

Jim Coughlin: Okay. So we're done. Come back at four 30, I've got three buyers on the call. Three buyers are going to be on a panel and I'm going to ask them straight up questions. Embarrassing the question is what do you want? Why aren't you getting it? How come you don't take recruiters calls, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Jim Coughlin: Okay. And if you want to ask them questions on the panel, you can put them in the chat window at 4:30. If you're going to stand out. Make sure you know who you're standing up for, what it is they want, what they want to hear and what you want from them. 1, 2, 3. I'm Jim Coughlin Creative Director clubVMSA, and I'm out.

Jim Coughlin: All right. See ya. Bye everybody. Thanks for coming. Enjoy your next session.


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Jim Coughlin




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