
Redesigning ROI in a Candidate Short Market


Cassidy Stewart: Hey everybody. We're just going to give it a couple seconds here for people to trickle in. But thanks for joining us.

Cassidy Stewart: It looks like. Holding the firm at that number for now. And so welcome everybody. My name is Cassidy Stewart. I am the Canadian sales manager for JobAdder and I'll be moderating our panel today. Unfortunately, we are experiencing a little bit of technical issues with one of our speakers. So hopefully she'll be popping in here shortly.

Cassidy Stewart: But I want to thank everyone for joining us today for our Q/A conversation around redesigning ROI in a candidate short market in this Q/A. We're going to take you through what recruiters are doing. What we 've seen proved successful in redesigning their ROI strategy in this new COVID reality.

Cassidy Stewart: Our experts are going to share repeatable recruiter experiences, tips and tricks, and best practices to help you build not only a solid foundation, but to share how best to make that a measurable experience for your organization. And so please feel free to use the chat box, to ask any questions and we will try to get to them throughout.

Cassidy Stewart: Otherwise at the end of the session, we'll also be sitting at one of the networking tables to carry on the conversation. So feel free to ask. And so the first speaker that you see here is Brian Wilson. He's the North American Regional Director for Jobadder, which is a simple to use ATS and CRM software provider. Feel free to stop by our booth if you haven't yet.

Cassidy Stewart: Or if we're new to that previous to JobAdder. Brian worked as a recruiter for over 10 years which included running his own executive search and staffing agencies. And he understands the recruiting world and the challenges and opportunities recruiters are faced with unlike any other. Brian worked with forward-thinking recruiting and staffing teams who understood the difference between good and bad softwares and why that matters, recruitment teams looking to continually innovate, keep ahead of the curve and stay competitive.

Cassidy Stewart: Often lean into Brian's expertise to help pave the way for their success. Our other speaker who will hopefully be hearing from if we can get the technical issues resolved we'll be making stripes. She's the founding partner and CEO of Tekadvisors, which is the only full service recruiting and consulting firm that is dedicated to progressing the role of administrative professional.

Cassidy Stewart: Megan's got six years of experience recruiting for executive assistants, personal assistants and chiefs of staff to support the world's most influential leaders prior to transitioning her career to talent acquisition. Megan worked in luxury hospitality for over a decade with the Four Seasons, the Ritz Carlton and The Breakers.

Cassidy Stewart: Well, working in hospitality, she provided five diamonds for leadership and administrative support to clients and guests around the world and recruited, onboard and trained a highly efficient team. So, thanks to both, like I said, hopefully we can get Megan in here and get those technical issues resolved, but for the time being I guess we'll start with you, Brian.

Cassidy Stewart: So I think the first area that we want to talk about is what are the key areas where recruiters should focus on saving time. And why is that?

Cassidy Stewart: Oh, I don't know if we can hear you, Brian.

Cassidy Stewart: Okay. Well, it seems like we have a little bit of technical delays for both of our speakers today. So unfortunately I haven't practiced my juggling skills today to keep everyone entertained for a minute, but we're going to try to quickly resolve this and be right back.

Cassidy Stewart: Did someone just messaging the chat in case this is an issue on my end with the audio. And just let me know if you can hear Brian.

Cassidy Stewart: Okay.

Cassidy Stewart: So it looks like we're having a bit of issues. But just to give you a heads up in the meantime of what we will be talking about once our speakers have the technical issues resolved is that we're going to go over what key areas recruiters should focus on to save time and why that matters and he's back.

Cassidy Stewart: So let's just circle back to that, Brian. So 

Bryan Wilson: We probably did do some testing before this call, so I don't know what happened, but Cassidy, I know that the question that I was trying to answer resolved around, you know, what key areas should recruiters focus on to save time? Is that correct?

Cassidy Stewart: Yes, exactly. And why that's important. 

Bryan Wilson: Well, I think we all know it's important. We only have so much time in the day. Right. So the more time that you can save the better the better you're going to do it to not only work, but to life as well. So I'll go into some of my points. What we've found working with now.

Bryan Wilson: Hundreds, if not thousands of recruiting and staffing agencies is that the process seems to be the largest bottleneck in terms of time wasteness, right? If that's the word I think that a lot of recruiting and staffing companies look at processes from a very high level in terms of how we do business development.

Bryan Wilson: We make phone calls, we you know, get active positions. We fill those roles. Right. They see their processes being maybe 6, 7, 10 steps, whatever that might be. But they haven't defined it further in terms of the little things, right. The things that actually add up and waste that time during the day.

Bryan Wilson: So, when you think about if you want to save time, You need to invest upfront in the process first. And when I talk about processes, I'm not talking about just those high-level steps. I'm talking about every single little thing that happens in between. So, for example you know, when a candidate is sourced from our team, what's the touch points that should be happening with these candidates along the way, not just when we're recruiting them, but maybe between the initial recruiter screen or interview.

Bryan Wilson: Between the time that we submit them to the client in between interviews, follow ups, once they've been placed, if we could design the perfect recruiter. That never had to sleep, that never had to eat, you know, what would that person do? Right. So focus on those little small details without thinking about the technology before you do this right.

Bryan Wilson: Technology can amplify things in a good way. If you do it right. But it can equally and even more so amplify things in a bad way. Right. So if you don't get this right in the beginning it can have compounding effects in the end. Both good and bad, right? So, as you define that and you define, you know, what parts of these processes can be automated and cannot, what parts of these should be automated and should be not.

Bryan Wilson: That's when you can start to then define the types of technology you might add. After the fact, right. If Megan was here, I know that she would have a few other details to add about this as well. So I dunno if you want to go over some of her notes there, Cassidy, if you'd like me to.

Cassidy Stewart: I think one of the big things that Megan had brought up was looking at how much revenue each role in your organization is responsible for generating and being cognizant of what tasks you're assigning different roles in the organization. And if it's a role that can be done just as effectively by someone who is not earning as much for your company, be smart in delegating those tasks. And I think that's a valid point. Not only looking at, you know, what can be automated, but what can be delegated down to lower earning roles within the company. There's also I, you and I both know she puts a strong emphasis on solid onboarding and training processes that are self guided, like ours that's built into Jobadder but really, you know, trying to offload as much of that from a higher role as possible and letting people be self-starters and self drivers.

Cassidy Stewart: And then just, you know, focus on working smarter, not harder. And I'm hoping that we can still get her in here and she can elaborate on that. Somewhat. I just wanted to touch on one question that came into the chat. Jamie Herbert from capstone asked how we define ROI in this conversation. I think it's a really comprehensive look at investment, not just of financial investment, but time investments and being that those are the two kinds of scarce resources.

Cassidy Stewart: And now that the landscape has changed with COVID happening, right? How can we best invest, not only our money, but our time to redesign an optimal workflow. So hopefully that answers your question. Jamie, feel free to post in the chat if if that's not quite what you were looking for, but onto the next question for you, Brian is, you know, once you've looked at that process and you figured out where time can be saved, you know, where should you reinvest that time as a recruiter, as a, an owner of a recruiting company.

Cassidy Stewart: You know, and what key activities will really drive the most value for your organization? 

Bryan Wilson: Megan would say, know, her typical thing, people process and profit right in that order always. I would say the reinvestment of the time saved is all about investing back into.

Bryan Wilson: And to your people. I don't just mean the recruiting team. I also mean the people that you're doing business with, the candidates, the clients, the partners that you have. Right. So, if we're saving time on the individual steps that we need to do from a recruitment process, the time that you have back is to spend that time with people, right?

Bryan Wilson: The technology. Should get out of the way so that we can spend more time with people that we're a people business, right? So, candidates have a lot of options out there. And a lot of your competitors might be looking at saving money in terms of chatbots and doing more with less in terms of, you know, maybe we don't want to hire as many recruiters.

Bryan Wilson: We want to supplement people with technology. And I don't think that's the right approach, right? We're not. Replace recruiting professionals with technology. Instead we should be using that technology to give more time back to our recruiters so they can spend more time with those people.

Bryan Wilson: So it looks at the metric for what you measure instead of. You know, how many how many calls can a recruiter make in a day to how many high quality calls can a recruiter do in a day, if we've supplemented this technology to help us do some of these small things that recruiters shouldn't be doing let's take that initial touch point with candidates from 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

Bryan Wilson: Let's use that time to reinvest back in the community. So that we are driving people back to the things we want to drive them, then back to essentially you know, make it human, make it genuine. Stop trying to automate the things that should not be automated. And reinvest that time back into those people.

Cassidy Stewart: Yeah, for sure. And I think Megan. Was here. She'd kind of bucket it similarly to how you did in terms of relationships, right? Investing in client relationships, candidate relationships, and then employee relationships, right? She always mentions that she sees a two to 300%, you know, boost in what people are able to bill in terms of revenue year over year.

Cassidy Stewart: And so one of her keys to success is keeping that tight staff. And I think that sometimes goes overlooked in this world as well. So yeah. 

Bryan Wilson: She's also mentioned to me that one of the things they do with the time savings that they've had is to build relationships with other recruiting companies.

Bryan Wilson: Right. Because what happens you know, being focused in one particular niche you know, having that focus without being a generalist per se Tekadvisor focuses primarily on administrative professionals. And they're doing that for a reason. Not because they can't recruit other people, but because they're building this community around what they do.

Bryan Wilson: Right. And so when we're talking about reinvesting that time back into the communities that you build, if you have a strong focus on what you do. Hey, we focused on administrative professionals. It's not that you're not going to have calls with other people that might be looking for other types of roles, whether those are candidates or clients.

Bryan Wilson: So some of their extra time is actually spent building relationships with other recruiting companies, right. And having those referral networks to say, Hey, when I do speak with an IT person or a marketing person, I can still help this person and send them you know, to a partner. Right.

Bryan Wilson: So I think that's another good way of looking at it. 

Cassidy Stewart: Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. And I think just looking at the chat here, Jamie, not to worry, we're going to get into how to capitalize and measure that return on investment. So, I guess we should move along a little bit quicker so we can get to the juicy part, but you know, Brian we'd look at, you know, what thousands of.

Cassidy Stewart: Recruiting businesses a year. And one of the things that always kind of separates the leaders from the pack in my mind is how the teams that do you know, think about that workflow, reinvest that time and energy into those relationships. Then there's that difference in terms of who's able to capitalize on that investment and, you know, what do you see from your perspective in terms of what separates the people that are really thriving in the COVID reality to the people that are kind of surviving, despite trying their best to optimize.

Bryan Wilson: I touched on it a second ago, but the firms we work with, it seems to be having the most success in this reality are our people that have a focus in one particular area or areas, right. If you're a larger firm moving away from that generalist mindset. And I just, you know, any job orders, a good job order and really focusing on a specific niche, a specific geographic location, whatever that might be.

Bryan Wilson: So, so as an example, I guess I'll just use tack again. Right. You know, being able to say, Hey, this is the specific functional area that we focus on. And adding as much value to that community. Not just through placements, but through any other ways necessary. So. You know, newsletters that help educate our community on not even just, you know, careers and the job market, but what interests them in particular, right.

Bryan Wilson: Adding that value back to help them educate themselves, help them better themselves through their career or otherwise. Right. Those are the people that I see thriving the most, because with that extra time savings that you have the focus that you have can be much more pinpointed, if you will.

Bryan Wilson: Right. If you're very generalist in nature especially for smaller firms you don't know what to do with, you know, what to do with that extra time, other than. Just add more calls, just add more, you know, brute strength, right? You don't have that time to be strategic as much. With that free time that you might have created for yourself with a better process and what better technology?

Bryan Wilson: I don't know if that answered your question completely, but 

Cassidy Stewart: Yeah, for sure. I know when we had talked about this with Megan previously, she'd also mentioned that, you know, in, in Tek Advisors case, they able to raise their fees and, you know, increase their fee structure because of the strength of relationships they're having with candidates and due to the fact that it's a candidate short market.

Cassidy Stewart: You know, the leverage comes from having that candidate network at the end of the day. And so by having that, and by having candidates, they keep reaching back out to her for future opportunities. It really allows her to kind of raise the price with her clients. And so I think at the end of the day, you know, all of those things are really great as well, but if you're not going to increase your bandwidth and have more clients.

Cassidy Stewart: Being able to raise your fees and still have good relationships with your clientele and have them keep coming back is ultimately one of the biggest ways to increase that capitalization. Right. But yeah, so I think, you know, once you are capitalizing on that, where do you see the differences in terms of how people are tracking success and that increase in revenue across the board.

Bryan Wilson: Yeah, this is the good one. I think that people actually want to get to. Right. The best thing, the best way to think about this, guess, is in two different buckets, right. Quantitative, Qualitative, you know, what are the things that we need to measure? That's more data-driven so I guess let's start there.

Bryan Wilson: Right? Cause that's the easier one. It's not just about time to fill. We need to go beyond those metrics and start to understand the individual metrics between each stage in our process. Right? So we've already talked about defining that process in detail, but then using systems, you know, like the CRM, like the ATS, other components that might be connected into this, but to measure what's happening in between those stages.

Bryan Wilson: Right. And it's not necessarily as a way to micromanage your team, but as a way to understand what's working and what's not working in these stages. So a good example would be instead of looking at just that time to fill, how long does it take us to get a job order to fill that job order? Well, how long is it taking between getting that job order and the first step, you know, getting a recruiter on the phone with a candidate that's been identified as a good potential fit.

Bryan Wilson: How long does it take between that? Internal handoff from a recruiter to an account manager? How long does it take to, you know, once we've submitted to that client and once you start measuring those stages which you really want to start doing is then drilling down individually. By recruiter by team.

Bryan Wilson: How do we mix and match this by clients? Right. What, and again, it's not from a micromanagement perspective. You know, Brian's not doing as good. I'm going to whip him into shape. It's looking at these leads and. Lag indicators of individuals to see what's working because we all know that not every recruiter is the same as every other recruiter.

Bryan Wilson: Every salesperson is not the same. It's very hard to duplicate an individual, but you can look for indicators of what people are doing right. And what people are doing wrong. So if Jim on my team on average, compared to the rest of the company, is moving the ball faster than Susan. Well then what is Jim doing?

Bryan Wilson: That Susan is not. Right. And maybe only parts of the process are doing better than other parts of the process. So it's really honing in to be able to take those lessons you've learned from those individual recruiters and then help apply those to the other people in your team. So when you have your weekly stand ups you know that Jim is the right guy to bring in, to talk about how he gets from submission to initial interview faster on average than anybody else in this.

Bryan Wilson: Right. And then if you take that one step further from your individual recruiters and bring it into your clients. Now you can start to understand. Okay, well, why is you a client, taking on average so much longer than client B, right? In this market where we are time poor but job orders are easier to get.

Bryan Wilson: Why would we spend 50 to 60% more time working with client B. When client a is getting us there much faster, right. Or what can we do to educate client B on what they need to do in order to actually win this talent? Right. And let's do it with data. Let's not just do it with, Hey, we want you to respond quicker, but let me show you a report.

Bryan Wilson: Anonymized of course, with your client information of how quickly on average client a and C are filling job orders versus you client B. And why that is, it looks like on average, when we get you to the submission stage, you're taking 50% longer to respond than other clients that are actually filling their job orders.

Bryan Wilson: Right. So that's the and again, you need to have a good CRM, a good ATS where you can track this data. That's very process oriented. We all know the garbage in garbage out kind of thing. So that was phase one of how to track it from a. The quantitative perspective.

Bryan Wilson: Now, the other part is more, I am qualitative in nature. And those are the things that I don't see many recruiting companies doing at all. These are asking the right questions to your candidates, your clients, maybe getting them to get answers that you might not want. Right. So these are things like NPS surveys.

Bryan Wilson: These are you know, asking people, what did we do, right? What did we do wrong? And not just the people that you had a successful placement with, but especially the people that you didn't. So a good practice to get into is, you know, in-between stages of your process. Every stage of your process, you don't want to kill people here, but you know, sending out these NPS surveys to understand where you can improve and then actually taking that feedback and actually improving, right?

Bryan Wilson: So if there's one thing you get from this today, it starts asking more hard questions, getting out of your comfort zone to figure out where you need to take things next. I could go on and on about this, but I hope that helped with your question then. 

Cassidy Stewart: Yeah, I think that's a pretty thorough answer and I do want to apologize for anyone that's trying to use the closed caption.

Cassidy Stewart: It looks like there's a bit of a technical difficulty happening there as well. For anyone that is interested A recorded version of the session and preferably with closed captions, it looks like the conference we'll be providing that afterwards. And if you have any questions or anywhere that you'd like to see us elaborate, feel free to swing by the job at our booth.

Cassidy Stewart: We'll try to throw together some writing. For you so that I know there's some people that have mentioned that's a non-optional for them, that they have the closed captioning or written help, which I guess this isn't really addressing if you can't see the closed captions on this. So, we will definitely be trying to address that afterwards and I'll mention it in the chat as well, but to the next question, So Brian, what's the one place, you know, that you would recommend recruiters start looking at their time investments and really start to drill into how they can start that process of time-saving journey.

Bryan Wilson: Well, let me, I guess, let me come at it from a leadership perspective first right. Being the owner of a firm or the leader of a team we've already talked about the process, right? So I'm not going to go into that as much. I mean, that is the one place I recommend you, you start. But you know, in, in terms of.

Bryan Wilson: The most bang for your buck. The thing that's going to have the biggest effect on your business is if you don't know how to define that process, right. We can all admit when we're not not good at those things. I have somebody that is right. I think a lot of recruiters, staffing professionals are very type people.

Bryan Wilson: We know we can do it. We're going to do it. We're just going to get in there and do it right. Fake it till you make it right. That'll get you, that'll get you far. But what we'll get you even further is to realize where you're weak and maybe weeks not the right word, but where you don't have as much education and find people who are so, Hire a coach hire somebody that's that knows has been there before that can help you to find these things, the investments that you put into a coach will pay itself back tenfold, right?

Bryan Wilson: Not just somebody to come in and tell you what to do, but to bounce ideas off of, to to help you to really define. What's going to be successful in your business? Right? So I think hiring coaches, but also hiring other people in your business that might know things better than you, right?

Bryan Wilson: So maybe that's an operations leader, maybe that is a marketing director or marketing person. Maybe that's a data analyst. Right. We all know that you're not going to succeed just by adding more recruiters and more brute force. So start thinking like, I know it's funny to say this, start thinking like a non staffing company and look at the departments that you need to hire for, right.

Bryan Wilson: If you want to get more applicants and all you're thinking about is posting more job ads. That's probably not the best way to get more applicants, but you're also probably not trained as a marketer. So maybe you should hire a marketing person to help you with that. I think some of the most successful companies I see right now are people that have hired marketing professionals.

Bryan Wilson: Data analysts hired you know, hire CTO type people to come in and really get them out of their comfort zone and start pushing the boundaries that way. Right. So if you're gonna if you've got extra time bits and some of the strategies we talked about invest it back in yourself by hiring other people that are smarter than you in certain areas.

Cassidy Stewart: Yeah, for sure. You know, if Megan was on the call and she can kind of speak to the value of that once you're at that scale. But even for the little guys, right, when you're just kinda starting out and you maybe don't have the resources to bring in an external counsel and she's big on, you know, look at your team.

Cassidy Stewart: Right. And it goes back to look at what roles are doing, which jobs and do. Simple exercise of stop, start and continue. You know, what's the biggest pain point in each role? And, you know, if you could wave a magic wand or bring in an automated technology to help with those single biggest pain points, you know, start to investigate that and be smart.

Cassidy Stewart: If you're on that smaller end of town for now, be smart about setting up processes that are gonna allow you to scale quickly and capitalize on this market because there's money to be made out there right now. 

Cassidy Stewart: I just wanted to look at the Q/A real quick, Brian. So, the first question was what's your timeframe recommendation for job applications. To initial recruiter, candidate contacts, and what could prevent that from happening. 

Bryan Wilson: Unfortunately I don't think there's a one size fits all answer to this question. I would have a different answer if you were in staffing and working, you know, in, in light industrial versus you know, if you were a retained recruiting firm, you know, working in finance, right?

Bryan Wilson: So unfortunately there is no one size fits for all. That's all to that. And is this an inbound lead or an outbound lead, right? In general I think you're talking about two touch points, right? So when somebody reaches out to you as like an inbound lead, whether they're a candidate or a client I think automating that, so they almost get an instantaneous response is the best way to go, right?

Bryan Wilson: If you're not sending at least letting people know that you've you've received their information immediately. So there's. Did it come in or not? Hopefully that's already clear. Right. If you're in a high volume staffing, it's not necessarily about how quickly you can get on the phone with each applicant?

Bryan Wilson: It's about how quickly you can get on the phone with each qualified applicant? Because we know there are there's a much higher ratio of applicants versus roles in those types of industries. Right? So I would think more along the lines of how can we. Qualified people as quickly as possible on the front end and have as many meaningful qualified conversations with these people, if you're in a high volume type role.

Bryan Wilson: So think about splitting your onboarding process up kind of in, in two phases, right. And what can we do to kind of quickly weed out the non-serious people, the non-qualified people without pushing them away? It's a delicate balance. Whereas if you're in the professional space Honestly, I mean, it's as soon as possible, right?

Bryan Wilson: If there are qualified candidates you know, the measurement to initial conversation really should be measured in hopefully minutes or hours. Definitely not days. When we're talking about high value positions in a market like this, you want to get that touch point out immediately, no matter what type of role you're in, and if you're in that professional space Really it's as soon as possible.

Bryan Wilson: I think in any industry you'll find that the percentage by which you have potential success in closing that deal or making that placements is predicated based on how quickly you can respond to inbound leads. So to try to get that to minutes honestly. 

Cassidy Stewart: Makes sense. And then the next question from.Sudhir Kumar. Sorry. If I mispronounced that and what is the best way to connect candidates or the marketers to reach? So I think that's probably in reference to when we were saying bringing back the marketers to handle your optimization of workflow. 

Bryan Wilson: When was the question when's the best time to bring in a marketer?

Bryan Wilson: Is that what I, is that right or, 

Cassidy Stewart: Yeah, I guess that's probably what he said. 

Bryan Wilson: Well, again, this is not a one size all fits answer. It really depends on the individual company and where you're at, I would say as soon as financially possible. I would even say you know, if it's possible and you're just starting out, investing in a marketing person or a part-time marketing person or technology person, Should be as high on the list as hiring other recruiters in the beginning.

Bryan Wilson: So, it's all about defining that process and then setting yourself up to scale. So if you define that process and you want to start scaling, whether you're at two recruiters, three recruiters now, Bringing in that marketing person or IT person, or both is what will get you to that scale.

Bryan Wilson: But you better be darn sure you have that process in place first, because if you hire a good marketing person, having too many leads can also be a problem. Right. I know that probably didn't answer it perfectly, but hopefully that helps. 

Cassidy Stewart: We are coming towards the end here. So if anyone else has any other questions that they'd like to use the Q/A function, feel free to pop them in there.

Cassidy Stewart: Afterwards, if we do run out of time here, we will be at the networking table as well. And hopefully we can get Megan to join us. If we can get the technical issues resolved, but One of the biggest questions. Brian is once everything's optimized, once you've figured out that workflow and you kind of got as efficient as possible and businesses booming, how do you know when is the time to scale and when should you bring in more people?

Bryan Wilson: Let's be honest that's when, you know, it's time to scale. Probably when your, you know, your husband, your wife, your significant other comes in, and it's been, you know, two, three weeks to three months and they ask if you're ever going to show up to a family meal again. Right.

Bryan Wilson: All jokes aside, know, it's knowing when to scale also can come back into metrics, right? We were talking about metrics a little bit earlier. No, you're not going to be perfect at this in the beginning, especially as a founder of a small company or something like that. But if you start to use metrics like recruiter to job ratios right.

Bryan Wilson: I know Megan is a big proponent of this as well. You know, again, as long as the data is in there you know, what is reasonable to start by tracking it because you're not going to know what that metric is in the beginning. Right? It's a little bit of a. Tracking the data initially. Okay. I can see that right now.

Bryan Wilson: You know, our recruiters, we work in executive search. They can handle about maybe five searches at a time before things start getting squirrelly. So that's something that you'll have to track over time, but pretty soon you'll start to get a good handle on once we get to six jobs per recruiter.

Bryan Wilson: We need to hire another person. Right. And you'll know it's easy to know because you're going to have to start turning jobs away. Right. And once you get to that point and you say, okay, great. I know that our sweet spot is five jobs, three jobs, seven jobs, whatever, you know, your metric happens to be different for every niche.

Bryan Wilson: That's going to be one of your best indicators to know once we start pushing that and I'm getting all my recruiters out of their comfort zone, we're starting to see that burnout and that metric of recruiter to job ratio is trending higher than I want it. That's usually the time when, you know, you want to want to hire more people or want to start scaling is probably my best advice.

Cassidy Stewart: It makes sense. And I think Megan would probably agree with that. She's scaled quite a bit in the last two years. I know she mentioned that she had started just before the pandemic hit and she's grown from two employees to 12 at that time. So I think if anyone is interested in it. When is the right time to add headcount or tips and tricks as to how she did that so quickly.

Cassidy Stewart: Like I said, she'll be joining us at some of the networking tables over the course of the conference specifically right after this session ends. So definitely come by to pick her brain on that. I think that was all the questions that had come in. Just have something to say, 

Bryan Wilson: No, I was going to say that I know in, in particular Tek Advisors, as they're growing, they're really looking at building relationships with other recruiting companies as well because they have a lot of you know, they're placing administrative professionals, which means they're working directly with a lot of CEOs, everybody, and the CEOs are saying, Hey, you know, we need you to fill these roles.

Bryan Wilson: We need to fill those. And they're being smart and they're saying, no, that's not our niche. That's not what we focus on. But They want to be able to refer people to partners that can help them with those roles. So I know that was one thing that she advised other people to do as well, especially they're focusing on those niches, but specifically wanted to build some relationships with some of these recruiters on the phone so they could start sharing some of those warm leads that they've been.

Cassidy Stewart: Absolutely. And feel free to reach out to Brian, myself or Megan on LinkedIn to connect. If you had any follow-up questions about the session. I think we went over a ton of useful content both, you in kind of the grand scheme of things, but also really specific areas where you can start to focus on today.

Cassidy Stewart: I think the overall message was that, you know, save time and save energy by doing a top to bottom kind of overhaul as to how you do business become as efficient as possible. And it will lead to much greater profits at the end of the day. To me the five things that we kind of talked about, that, that really stand out as differentiators between those leading the pack and the pack itself.

Cassidy Stewart: Now that we're in kind of that, that COVID world was number one, the value of time to different members of your organizations and thinking about quantifying what an hour of time is worth to, you know, the founder of the company versus the lowest level. Coordinator or scheduler and being smart as to is this task necessary to happen at this level?

Cassidy Stewart: Or could we shuffle it down a few levels in the organization and use that time more effectively to generate revenue? The power of delegation and automation can't be overstated, but within reason, right, you run the risk of, if you go too aggressively with that, you can impair some relationships that are key to doing business in this industry.

Cassidy Stewart: And so I think that was number one, the value of time to different members of the organization and delegating and automating as much as you can. Hurting relationships. Number two, to me, that really struck a chord was the importance of setting a proper process and workflow comes from the top down.

Cassidy Stewart: And so if the founder or the CEO is looking at optimizing their process and being really analytical in terms of what their time is worth, that will naturally cascade down the organization. Whereas if you try to go bottom to top, eventually it'll be. Peter out and not be as effective truly because you're not saving the most valuable time in the organization.

Cassidy Stewart: And so that was number two, the importance of setting up proper process and workflow really comes top down to be most effective. The third most important piece that I've found today is once you read and redesign your workflow to be as optimized as possible, where you reinvest that time really matters.

Cassidy Stewart: Re investing into relationships, both with candidates and clients is really the logical place to start, but investing it with employees is also a very logical way to grow your business and to keep earning more and more revenue by preventing churn. So I think that the third one was redesigning your workflow and reinvesting that time into relationships.

Cassidy Stewart: The fourth one that's. Really kind of struck a chord with me was it's important to capitalize on that reinvestment, but it's just as important to track those improvements that you're making and make sure that you're actually earning from the reinvestment into those relationships or else then tweaking how you go about re-investing that time.

Cassidy Stewart: And then the last point that was kind of, you know, really prevalent to me was start with your leadership team when you're looking at areas to improve and then it will naturally come down the chain. How about you, Brian? Anything sticks out to you in terms of. I mean, I know you did most of the talking, but you know, when you're looking at these types of organizations, anything sticks out to you in terms of that maybe we didn't cover.

Bryan Wilson: No I think that was a, that was really good. I mean, getting into and just getting those metrics, right. We talked about going beyond time to look at recruiter ratios The qualitative and quantitative type measurements, you know, asking the questions you don't necessarily want to hear the answer to, but doing it all the time.

Bryan Wilson: And using that as a metrics to grow your business. 

Cassidy Stewart: Yeah, absolutely. It seems that the most valuable advice usually comes from the questions we don't want to ask, but so I hope. Get to take away some valuable insights from our session here today. Again, apologies on our behalf for the technical difficulties, not being able to have Megan in here today and the issues with the closed captioning.

Cassidy Stewart: Hopefully we can get that all sorted out for the next session. Anyone that has any questions feel free to pop by the Jobadder at our booth. We'll try to get you the recording. There's a chance that we may even be able to do another recording with Megan and circulate that as well. So that is 

Bryan Wilson: These reports that we've been talking about as well.

Bryan Wilson: If you want to see some of the actual data that we've talked about in terms of the measurements and stuff. 

Cassidy Stewart: Absolutely. And I know one of our tables is dedicated to two live demos. So if there's something that's top of mind, feel free to pop into our booth and we can give you a look under the hood.

Cassidy Stewart: And so that wraps up our session and we're going to go move over to the networking table. So feel free to join us there. Feel free to drop by the job at our booth. There's two QR codes on. The deck here that you can feel free to scan. One will take you to the Jobadder that is on the left. One will take you to Tekadvisers on the right and feel free to reach out to Megan as well.

Cassidy Stewart: I know she's pretty bummed that she didn't get to make it out here to join us. But she's very interested to talk to you guys all as well. So, with that being said, that's a wrap for us and hopefully we'll see you at the networking table. Thanks guys. Thanks everyone.


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Cassidy Stewart

Bryan Wilson

Meagan Strout




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