
Staffing Websites: How to drive and convert leads with best-in-class techniques and software!


Jack Copeland: Hello everyone. Thanks very much for joining us today and thanks to the World Staffing Summit for setting this up. I'm very excited to walk through our presentation today. I'm just talking about staffing websites and marketing automation, and really the principles of, of how you can put together the right sort of platform, the right technology and the right marketing techniques to drive and convert leads with various different technologies and software.

Jack Copeland: And. So myself, quick background on who we've got chatting today. It's myself, Jack Copeland. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Staffing Future. So I've been in the staffing industry terrifyingly for about 18, 19 years now. And 17 of that has been working with staffing technology and my company Staffing Future builds websites and job portals and marketing software for staffing companies.

Jack Copeland: So a subject hopefully we're pretty familiar with. And with me, I have one of our long-term favorite clients Scott White. So Scott, you wanna go ahead and introduce yourself? 

Scott White: Yeah, of course. Sorry, everyone. I was having some technical difficulties, so I'm not gonna be able to join them by camera, but it's definitely still exciting.

Scott White: Yeah. So my name is Scott White and kind of like Jack mentioned we worked with Staffing Future now for a couple of years. I'm actually the Marketing and Implementation manager at Professional Alternatives and we are a staffing and recruiting agency. We're based out of Houston, Texas. We've been around for about 24 years.

Scott White: And I have been in staffing for about four years. I've been in marketing and communications technology for about six, but definitely excited for some of the content we have today.

Jack Copeland: Awesome. Awesome. So I'm just going to walk through real quick, you know, what, what we're covering. So what we've been going through today is, sort of what are the must haves for your, your website or your, your talent platform? For a lot of people, their website and that talent platform are all sort of one in the same.

Jack Copeland: But some of the industry does use a sort of sub domain or slightly separate candidate experience layer within the website. So, what are the real sort of requirements to make it? You've got a best-in-class experience that we're also going to talk about, you know, what types of traffic there are and, and how do we optimize them.

Jack Copeland: And so, you know, what are the kind of core principles for segmenting different types of traffic? What are the, the, the, the key ideas behind making sure that we're utilizing them to drive traffic to your platform. We're going to talk a bit about how we use content to engage the audience. So, you know, what, what can we do above and beyond just putting jobs in front of candidates?

Jack Copeland: How can we really use content and different methodologies to engage our audience and represent who we are and what we do, how do we then introduce different self-aware concepts to, to bring that traffic back and nurture it? Scott, going to walk us through some sort of real world examples of what we're talking about.

Jack Copeland: And then we're going to touch a little bit on, you know, what do we see as the sort of newer techniques that are coming through in Staffing, Marketing, Tech sort of on the, on the roadmap and on the horizon. So I'll cover off this first slide you know, stuffing websites, how do they job portal platforms?

Jack Copeland: What are the kinds of cool must have features to ensure that you're offering a best-in-class candidate experience? So the first element really is making sure. That you have a very robust user driven search. Often 50% or more of total traffic for staffing websites is going to wind up on the job search itself.

Jack Copeland: So it's really, really important that it's easy for the user to navigate you know, through, to the relevant jobs and find what they're looking for. They seem like an obvious one. But it really just depends on the market that you are serving, the specialisms that you're working and the volume of jobs that you have.

Jack Copeland: That's going to help you define what you need. So for example, you know, we have clients that have 30,000 jobs on their website, and we have clients that have few jobs on the website. It's going to be a very, very different type of search and type of filter options that you're going to have. Things like synonyms, such a great particularly, you know, it could be really basic stuff like putting in, you know, CA for, for California or RN, Registered Nurse allowing the technology to expand out such query pattern building the synonyms from failed searches that returning no results, just try and drill through and understand, okay, how are our candidates utilizing this such technology that we provide?

Jack Copeland: So making sure that it's easy for people to run the search and find the jobs is, is really, really important. Within the, of course you want to make sure that you're writing comprehensive job descriptions. You know, once again, this might seem like an obvious one, but we do see quite a lot in the industry.

Jack Copeland: People having really, really short job descriptions or providing their job descriptions at all, or job descriptions that don't create their own pages within, within the site or within the portal so that they can't be picked. I Google. And that's obviously really poor for, for SEO, which Scott will talk about in a second.

Jack Copeland: But it's also, you know, poor from a candidate experience, point of view, right? We've got to understand that we need our job descriptions to really sell the actual wipe from position to the candidate and provide them enough information for them to make that commitment of applying to the job or engaging with some sort of.

Jack Copeland: We need to make sure that we have reporting. So we're going to dive into what that is in detail later on as well, but we need to understand what traffic we have where it's coming from. We need to understand how that traffic is converting. You know, we see some traffic converting from sources at 50% or higher in certain cases.

Jack Copeland: And we also see traffic converting at less than a percent. So, you know, that that's, that's a real range of trying to understand if we're driving different traffic, not inequality, but what's the conversion going to be like, and then making sure that the reporting is more about, so we'll talk a little bit about, you know, things like time on site, bounce rates and train exit points but also heat mapping.

Jack Copeland: So really understanding what the, what the client, what the candidates doing, and obviously on the, on the client side as well, how are they behaving? Where are they clicking in? How far are they scrolling on the site? Where's their mouse going? Maybe even watching videos the user expects. It's really important as well to think about having an easy apply workflow. So far too often, people confuse an ongoing or a registration of a candidate with an apply, particularly in the market that we're in right now.

Jack Copeland: We need to make it very easy for the candidate to do what we want them to do. So, yeah, you're going to want things like Google Drive or Dropbox or Quick Applies or Indeed or LinkedIn available too, to make it easy for the mobile users to give you the information. But you're also going to want to really limit it.

Jack Copeland: The amount of information you require. We've seen applications where across the site, they're converting at 35-40%. We've seen scenarios where it's converting at 1%. Right? And so the difference between asking someone for a name and an email address and a resume or asking two or three questions versus asking 20 such pieces of information, is absolutely huge.

Jack Copeland: So it's really important to evaluate that fly workflow, go through it yourself as a user and understand you know, is this easy for, for the, for the candidates to do. Above and beyond that it's important to start thinking, not just about the jobs. So it's important to think about what content we have on this site that adds value to the user. Falling to much of the industry right now is just sort of, do you want one of these jobs right now?

Jack Copeland: And if not really the only way you can engage with their site and that candidate experience is, is, is basically for a brochure site, right? Read some of my information or I hit the contact us button. So it's important to have, you know, white papers, it's important to have blogs, blogs, and other content that we're going to talk about.

Jack Copeland: That's really about their experience and their market, so they can start to answer different questions. What's what's the. Interview process is going to be like, how do I improve my skill set? What's going on in the market? You know, what am I worth as a candidate? What kind of pedigree do you have as a recruiting organization and what kind of clients are you working with?

Jack Copeland: So it needs to have a lot more than just serving the jobs because a large chunk of your traffic is not going to be ready to buy right away. And, and really you need to start thinking about it is, these things have evolved sort of in the market where people will come and buy from multiple touchpoints.

Jack Copeland: So what can I do to entice the user to come back to this site, if they're not ready today, or if indeed I don't have the right job for them. So you need the right tools in place to, to serve and remarket those candidates as well as the right sort of content in place. And then finally it's very important to think mobile.

Jack Copeland: I think everyone knows that at some level, but it's important to really look and make sure that your, your mobile jobs touch and mobile candidate experience is offering the full value of your website or your career portal. And it's important as well to understand that that doesn't necessarily mean a mobile app.

Jack Copeland: You know, there's a lot of great mobile app solutions that are out there and you know highly recommend several of them. But when we, when we're looking at converting top of the top of the funnel traffic and trying to get initial leads, the example I always use is, think about banking, right?

Jack Copeland: If I, if I'm trying to figure out who I want Bank with, I might go to I might go to But I'm not going to install the app to decide where I want to open my bank account. Once I have opened a bank account, I'm very, very likely to access it through the app. And so that's really where I start to think about, you know, more of the registration or the onboarding process or accessing my financials, updating my credentials is super, super value from a mobile app.

Jack Copeland: But what we really want to do is, is sort of convert that convert the leads. So hopefully that covers off the basics of what kind of what you want as your, your front end, can they experience, and the reason it's so important is this really is your shopfront where those users can learn about your business.

Jack Copeland: And we'll talk about that a little bit later on where you can see you know, the, the right sort of tech stacks to drive people through. Scott, do you have anything to add about that? Or do you want to move on and talk a little bit about some of the types of traffic that we were likely to encounter? 

Scott White: Yeah, no, I mean, I think you've covered a lot.

Scott White: Yeah, I think, you know, kind of, I guess we can kind of move on to the, to the types of traffic which, you know, kind of answers that, that, that last question at the bottom, which is, you know, you've kind of, it's kind of built this great marketing engine now, how do you feel it? You know, and that's kind of where we're, you know, driving traffic to do that marketing engine is really gonna come into play.

Scott White: And they're really kind of four, four primary traffic types that we'll cover. And, you know, the first of which is PPC, which is pay-per-click. So that's digital, that's digital advertising, and I'll kind of let Jack tell us a little more about that.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, I've said so, you know, I think the easiest way to drive traffic to your site is probably, or at least the case is to spend a little bit of money and start driving clicks to that environment. You know, really we've seen a shift in the last 10 years I worked for a career border off. It was also bought by Broadbean and we've really just seen a shift from people buying job posts, to acquiring resumes into people, putting budget into, to basically buying clicks.

Jack Copeland: And the difference there is instead of paying for a resume, you're, you're really paying for traffic to your own experience. Of course, with things like Indeed and ZipRecruiter, it is simple to utilize that quick replies. And you may even find that if you do that you are likely to get slightly better conversions.

Jack Copeland: So, you know, if I spend a hundred dollars and I'm used to getting saged to pick around number 10 resumes through the site or through, through quick apply with indeed. And I might move that instead to buying track click, I might spend a hundred dollars and I might only actually convert seven resumes through my own site experience.

Jack Copeland: So often people ask, well, why would I be doing that? The argument is, that you've just got so much more, that that traffic can now do. Instead of you being, this is a nameless, faceless staffing company, that's going to call them that they've never really seen insight on your website. They can see your value proposition.

Jack Copeland: They can see your case studies and who you work with. They can engage with a lot of the content that we're going to talk about later. And they can engage with a lot of different marketing tools. So yeah, they might not apply to that job, but they might then go to your job search and start searching for other jobs.

Jack Copeland: They might configure some sort of a law or subscribe to blogs or, you know, go through a quick apply process because they just want to hand their information off to you. And that's gonna allow you to then bring them back to the site for free. It is also that traffic can help with others in terms of, you know, your SEO or learning about the behaviors of your sites and that you can prevent very, very quickly.

Jack Copeland: Within pay-per-click, you know, we've obviously got things like buying, buying clicks off of indeed or other sources, but we've also got concepts like programmatic. We really were a combination of software and often human interface as well is going to help determine what's the most cost effective and best quality traffic to buy.

Jack Copeland: So versus just providing one feed to one source, instead you're able to go through and selectively use technology to automatically buy the most affordable clicks from whoever is actually having a peak in traffic at that time. And then add in sources where we are likely to see success and perhaps cut out is where we're not going to see success and really cost the net.

Jack Copeland: As well, as of course, things like direct advertising on Facebook or on Instagram or on Google ads. And also the concept of re-targeting, which is something that we see a lot in the healthcare space and a little bit in technology areas where certain quality candidates are really hard to come by. Those leads are worth a lot more.

Jack Copeland: So if people identify that a user landed on their site, they clicked and moved around a little bit, but perhaps they're in a position where they haven't actually converted. We can then start to follow them around the internet to build your brand in front of them and try and get them to come back when the time is right.

Jack Copeland: Right. So, you know, we're all pretty familiar with running a search to, to, to look a destination or something on Expedia, and then finding out Facebook and our Instagram feeds on other websites, filled with advertisements for that particular location. And it's just a very, very similar concept that we're seeing within recruitment.

Jack Copeland: And anything to add to that Scott. 

Scott White: Yeah, no, I mean, I think so for a lot of, you know, a lot of agencies or, you know, or, or individuals that are kind of looking to really grow their traffic, you know, kind of really quickly. And I think that PPC is a great, great opportunity for that. Some of the other traffic types that we're gonna talk about definitely can take a little bit more time you know, especially SEO with the being organic, you know, sometimes it takes kind of months to start to see results.

Scott White: And while it definitely brings value, you know, I mean, I think if you're, if you're in the market for, for kind of a quick win and to drive some, you know, some kind of qualified candidates or client leads to your website, I definitely think that, you know, PPC is going to be, it's going to be the biggest solution for you.

Jack Copeland: Absolutely. Yeah. It's just it can be just nice and nice and quick to have that almost taps of being able to turn on that traffic as in, when you need. 

Scott White: Yeah. And kind of, you know, I mean on that, you know, so, so that was totally, yeah. Sorry about that. So I think, you know, kind of, kind of, you know, on the opposite side of that is, is SEO, which is search engine optimization and SEO is definitely more kind of, you know, an organic approach.

Scott White: And you know, I've just kind of given you an overview for those of you who aren't familiar with what SEO is and that search engine optimization. So it's essentially optimizing your website to perform well in search engines. You know, so, so the main, the main purpose of SEO is, is to kind of, you know, help drive traffic for people that are looking for the content or services or solutions that you offer on your site.

Scott White: And, you know, we've kind of identified three, three key pieces or three pillars for, for successful search engine optimization that I definitely think are relevant, no matter what stage you're in whether or not you're, you're kind of learning about SEO right now on this slide or whether or not you've been in it for you know, for, for years, I think kind of, you know, one of the first pieces of, you know, of, of research is, you know, I mean, you should always be doing research.

Scott White: You know, I mean, I have been doing research, you know, for different, you know, different keywords, different, you know, trending topics, different questions that are being asked. I mean, that stuff in the market's always changing. So you definitely want to make sure that we're doing, you know, that you're doing keyword research, identify what kind of terms and phrases that you want to rank for.

Scott White: And, you know, kind of a key part of that, we're really, really solid way to, to identify some, some solid keywords is going to be identifying your, kind of your key offerings or solutions you know, and, and finding keywords that match that target audience. So for example, if, if you're an accountant, you know, an accounting staffing agency, The phrase accounting recruiter, you know, is probably going to be a phrase that you're going to want to optimize for.

Scott White: So, you know, you need to, it's important to recognize that target audience and kind of click yourself in their shoes and figure out, okay, what might they be searching for if they were looking for an accounting recruiter to work with? And, and there are obviously, you know, there are some great tools out there that can help with this a couple or, you know, Smerush, MAs, Growth Bar and, and you know, we don't have any sort of paid partnership with them and I don't, but you know, there are, there are definitely some, you know, some great tools that are out there that can, that can help, you know, help you with this research.

Scott White: And and even aside from tools, you know, a great place to start is with your competitors. A lot of times you know, especially ones that, that, you know, that are strong either an SEO or digital marketing, or even strong in your, in your marketplace in general. You know, not only. Is, you know, not only is looking at your competitors and, you know, kind of their trends, just great for just general business benchmarking purposes understanding your positioning in the marketplace, but it also can help a ton with your own SEO research you know, figuring out kind of where your weaknesses might be or even where your strengths might be and and capitalizing on those.

Scott White: And kind of some best practices. I think, you know, I think kind of in tandem with research I think these, you know, these practices are really going to be beneficial, you know, no matter if you're a beginner or an expert, but kind of, you know, I, I kind of broke it down into three best practices and, and the first is going to be site speed or performance.

Scott White: And that, you know, there are, there are kind of a whole slew of technical SEO bits that we could dive into. And you know, if you're, if you're interested in learning more about that, definitely I encourage you to email me and, you know, I'd love to, I'd love to kind of dive into that. You know, I could kind of go on forever about that, but it's like, you know, site speed and performance.

Scott White: So Google is always going to favor, you know, sites that, you know, have high page load speed and that that don't, you know, they don't have really, you know, kind of cluttered or or, you know, not optimized pages. And so it's, it's definitely important to make sure that your site is healthy from a, you know, from a, a performance perspective.

Scott White: And the second one is going to be called to action. You know, I couldn't tell you how many, and I'm sure Jack, you know, can probably back me up on this. How many websites are, you know, they look great, they have great content. You know, they're, you know, there, their links are posted everywhere on the internet, but when you get to the site you don't even know how to reach out to them.

Scott White: You know, you know, there's no phone number, you know, there's no phone number posted. There's no contact us forms that are clear. There's, you know, it's just. They've spent all the time to get you there and, and, and now there's no way to actually contact them. And so I think, you know, just making sure that you have these calls to actions that are really clear on your site is definitely important for converting.

Scott White: Kind of on top of all of that, the third one is, is definitely gonna be content. You know, I think especially when you're starting out, but I think a quality over quantity approach is definitely worthwhile. I think making sure that your content is relevant to your company and to your industry but more importantly, relevant to your users.

Scott White: So making sure that you have kind of a really, you know, a solid set of buyer personas that you are catering to with your content on your site not only is it going to help attract, you know, potential clients and candidates to your site, but it's also going to help convert them. And the content kind of brings me to that third piece, which is, you know, consistency.

Scott White: So. On the content side, consistency and tone, consistency and style and consistency and just publication you know, rate I think is, is incredibly important. You know, I think that, you know, I think that maintaining your sort of, you know, your brand, I guess, brand style or brand tone across all of your, all of your pages is super important, but also, you know, making sure that you're consistently staying up to date with, with what your what your target audience is looking for.

Scott White: You know, kind of what I mentioned in the example with the accounting staff, and you can see, you know, accounting recruiter that phrase, you know, three years ago may have been attracting 5,000 people a month that are searching for it. But if you're not, if you're not staying consistent with. With your research and with your content, your, you know, that that number can go down, you know, it could be down to four people and there could be a better, a better phrase that, you know, that you could be optimizing for.

Scott White: So you know, that part of consistency is definitely key, but also just from a technical perspective, I think you know, having, having a ton of content that is just kind of cued up and ready to post regularly to your site definitely shows Google that your site is kind of, I'm putting air quotes kind of still worth worth crawling.

Scott White: You know, having, having, you know, regularly posted content to your site definitely shows Google that that you're, that you're, you know, that there's kind of a sign of life happening and, and that you're that you're still around and that you're still definitely a relevant site to to be ranking for, for the various keywords for.

Scott White: So consistency is definitely key.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, absolutely. You know, that's something that I think people underestimate is how much time it can really take. Especially if you're, if you're kind of, you know, starting off. But one of the nice things about, about making sure that you've got the jobs on the site and the jobs index as well, and have the right sort of URL structure and just the metadata at base level is that you can get results from like a groundswell approach of, of a sort of longer tail search terms.

Jack Copeland: You know, sometimes we see actually that the number one source of traffic for our sites is really just users landing directly on the job where they've gone into Google and they've typed in a particularly long job title. That's very, very specific to them. And so, especially if you're in a market where, you know, you've got.

Jack Copeland: Sort of quite a niche area or you've got some very, very sort of specific terminology that's being used. You may find that you can get some pretty immediate results from active candidates, you know, obviously Java developer jobs and stuff like that are going to be a lot harder to try and drive traffic right away, but long tail job sites, or is this something that we can, we can get results from from fairly quickly?

Jack Copeland: Awesome. So yeah, the next kind of area that we really want to focus on is outbound marketing. And obviously that's outbound marketing is a very, very well, but wide spectrum. We're talking more outbound, digital marketing. So really this sort of four buckets. So I would see that as is outbound texts, automation, email automation, any kind of push notifications.

Jack Copeland: If you've got, you know, my laps and things like that, that your users, your users are utilizing and something that's coming out in the end is increasingly popular now, as well as in browser notifications. So. The idea that you can send out marketing a lot directly to your users, you know, from, from within Chrome or from within the site.

Jack Copeland: So there's a lot of different platforms out there. Just sort of automate distribution via text, via email. You also get a lot of platforms that really will comprehensively cover off a lot of these things. So there's the obvious ones that. Kind of outside about gear, but can be used for purpose. So things like marketing cloud, for those of you that might be using Salesforce as a CRM or something like HubSpot, but then within the within the industry, you've got things like sense things like Herefish, Bull horn, things like Work Lama or Enforced24 that can do, you know, pretty advanced workflow automation, but pretty advanced outbound marketing as well.

Jack Copeland: So the idea is that if you've got candidates that are sitting within your database that are maybe passive, not super active, perhaps the resume that you've got from those candidates is just out of date. Or you just don't have the time to go through and reach out to a load of people that you haven't spoken to for three years, as the information is, is out on trying to refresh that data, to see who's looking and who maybe has evolved that is rare for those skill sets to be.

Jack Copeland: And you can utilize that automation to start marketing the jobs, start marketing the content, or asking survey questions directly to that candidate base. So you can be texting them and say, Hey, if you're interested, respond with this information and take them through you know, sequences or, or text tablet sequences, or drive them directly to your site by advertising the right links on the site, particularly with email it's, it's really nice to be able to do sort of newsletter blast.

Jack Copeland: One of those features, that HereFish and Sense. And some of the other solutions that are out there now are the ability to blast your entire database with an update and actually have job matching that relates to them. So hot jobs that are specific to that candidate, the idea that they can, they can look at the resume, cause they've already got it.

Jack Copeland: They can identify out of the, you know, 50 jobs or 50 jobs that you've got, the three that are likely to be the best fit for that candidate. And then actually kind of dangled those carrots directly in front of the users by those emails, if they didn't go through and clicked there, landing directly on that job on site.

Jack Copeland: Exactly the same with content, the ability to create triggers, to try and drive users through to the most relevant blogs. Surveys can be a really, really nice feature as well in this outbound marketing, whether it's surveys via email or whether it's, you know, stuff that's done by a tech similar kind of concepts, the idea that I can perhaps ring fence the 1000 people in my database that I think might be a good fit for this role and basically broadcast the role to them, but then say, Hey, are you actively looking?

Jack Copeland: Yes or no? Would you like to update your information and sort of sift through those 1000 people to maybe find the 100 that are all ready to go through and actually talk to a recruiter, perhaps even book a meeting directly off the back of it. And so, you know, often that, those surveys are sitting on the website or they can sometimes just sit on independent URLs, but that data can, sort of flow back up into the database and has a really, really nice way of driving traffic.

Jack Copeland: You know, to your point. You've also got push notifications. So increasingly we're seeing in the some light industrial market construction you know basically methods that we see in the gig economy are coming through into staffing. So the fact that we can actually push, notify people for that very very morning if we've got a registered tempt.

Jack Copeland: So we've got people that are already onboarded with our organization and start to sort of say to them, Hey, you know, are you interested in any of these weekly deployments we've got available or are you interested in, you know, this this opportunity that's come up for today and people can go through and engage with the actual job description and register that interest and expect, you know, an application or get an application submitted and they expect a phone call or some sort of conversations from the rep.

Jack Copeland: And then you've got a browser as well, which is a similar kind of concept. I can go to a website, I can search for some jxobs. The website starts to build up an understanding of what I'm looking for. Okay. I decided to leave that website. I come back, I launched my Chrome browser three days later and you know, same as I get notifications in browser about Facebook or slack or other things can actually get notified an education in browser that says, Hey, you're going to professional, tentative have new job.

Jack Copeland: They think it might be relevant to you, or they have a piece of content that we think might be, that might be interesting for you. And it's very, very good at bringing people back to the site as well. And we know statistically that people are much more likely to convert once they've visited the site, you know, multiple times.

Jack Copeland: So this is a really nice way of driving additional traffic. The other great thing about that. This is really the only kind of true way I would say to ensure quality. If you're already ringing fencing, people that, you know, are a good fit for your brand and your jobs, and then you will actively market to them.

Jack Copeland: Then you know, that if they do convert, the quality is going to be high, which is not always the case with, with pay-per-click or even with SEO, just because I'm searching for a job does not necessarily mean that I have the skill sets to do that job, which is you know, part of the challenge right now is people have issues with, with candidate quality.

Jack Copeland: Anything you wanted to add on that front? That's all Scott. 

Scott White: Yeah. So, I mean, I think, you know, I think with the, the kind of the, the volatility sometimes with or I guess the, maybe the fluctuation of, of demand within different firms or even different industries for talent, I think, you know, it's also, you know, some of these outbound marketing techniques are also great for kind of keeping your staffing agencies.

Scott White: Top of mind. I think, you know, a lot of times we talked to hiring managers and, you know, they say, oh, you know, I, I'm not really looking for a, I'm not really looking for anyone right now, but call me back in six months. You know, or Hey, you know, yeah. We actually just hired someone, you know, let's, let's see how they work out.

Scott White: And so, you know, scheduling or aligning these, these texts or emails or push notifications or in browser alerts really helps to keep your firm top of mind because, you know, then you're kind of able to kind of utilize some of the different automation tools that Jack mentioned to really kind of set these things on coasts.

Scott White: So that way your sales team is you know, it's kind of spending more time following up with people that are following up with them as opposed to reaching out, you know, I'm kind of annoying people on a cold basis.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, absolutely. It's a really good point. It's especially if you're a boutique right. That's kind of your strength. That's how you compete with the Manpower, and Addeco and the Kelly services where the weld is, is by going through and really pointing out that we understand your market. We have great credibility in the market.

Jack Copeland: We have great reviews from other candidates in the market. You know, we have great case studies. We understand everything that's going on. Here's the relevant jobs, here's the relevant content, so that you thought to build that brand, people start to really recognize you as the, as the experts in that field.

Jack Copeland: And then it's just much easier to get them to engage or even just intangibles, right? That increases the likelihood that they will turn your call or there's, they'll answer the call when you make it. And so kind of part and parcel with that is, is kind of the fourth major area that we see a lot of traffic from, which is social distribution.

Jack Copeland: If you want to kind of walk through this Scott. 

Scott White: Yeah, definitely. So, I mean, I think, you know, You know, kind of what we touched on a little bit with the automation you know, the same can kind of be, be done with, with, with social distribution. So, you know, a lot of, a lot of a lot of the content, whether it's, you know, jobs that are, that are being posted or blog articles or, you know, company updates a lot of that can really effectively be distributed over social networks.

Scott White: And so, you know, mobilizing the user base of, of not just, you know, a company profile or even, you know, an industry network, but you know, even kind of going down to a micro level and utilizing the network and relationships that, you know, some of your staff or colleagues. Have I've worked to build you know, there are a handful of tools when it kind of comes to top of mind as a, as a, you know, a tool called pager, which, you know, does a really good job of kind of amplifying your impact of content by, you know, not just, you know, Kind of increasing, increasing the reach of, of your content through, through the automatic posting of, of your, you know, of your information, but also sharing that through the different, the different networks and erases that you have you know, we, obviously, we, we know some of the big, you know, about the big platforms like Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn.

Scott White: But there are, you know, there are also some other kind of, you know, what kind of, you know, whether you're in a specific trade or just in general, you know, construction or Light Industrial but kind of catering to those different there's different kind of sub sub groups or sub networks you know, can also help drive traffic and subsequently conversions.

Scott White: I kind of like what I touched on, you know, what I mean, make sure that you're sharing your jobs and your content. You know, we need to, we need to make sure that. That with the age of technology, you know, there's really no excuse to not be having, having, having, you know, your jobs and your content being distributed.

Scott White: But you know, kind of on that is, referral networking. You know what I mean? I think, I think, you know, kind of before SEO, before outbound marketing, before texting, before automation, that's, that's where a lot of, a lot of core, you know, really quality sales relationships were first established, you know, by referrals.

Scott White: And I think. I think now with, with, with the technology here, I don't, I don't know that there's any reason to get rid of it, but instead we should be utilizing this technology to to really expand and to increase our referrals. And we can do that through things like automation. You know, Jack May have actually mentioned it, but, you know, doing things like net, like net promoter scores through surveys and really solidifying client relationships and using those client relationships to help grow referrals to form new client relationships.

Scott White: So and then of course you have outbound marketing, which, you know, is, is, you know, kind of what, what Jack said is definitely one of the more kind of conventional kind of kind of steady marketing channels that you can always use to keep top of mind, but also just to continue to push out there's jobs that, you know, those, those social postings that, you know, those blog articles, those case studies and just kind of, you know, keeping, keeping your name at the top of, of you know, of the hiring managers at the candidates mind whenever they think of a staffing agency.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, absolutely. Some really great points that, you know, you mentioned Pedro as well, who we've partnered with for a long time. And a lot of that clients use, I think Darren is from Pagers actually speaking at this event. So it's been a great tool as well, just for driving quality. And you just don't know what you can achieve with the distribution of society.

Jack Copeland: You know, I was always quite skeptical in the early days with the power of it, but, you know, funny, funny, real world story from us real quick going on for two and a half years ago I went on to, to Twitter, which I am no longer on. And I, and I noticed a gentleman by the name of John Russell was looking for a position and he was actually someone that had been a client of mine when he's with Randstad, with leads and Over in the UK.

Jack Copeland: I hadn't spoken to him for 10 years. And you know, that one tweet ended up with me reaching out. Of course I knew exactly who he was, but he just wasn't top of mind with the 17 years I've gotten in the staffing industry. We got talking and, and within three weeks, you know, that was the catalyst between you know, I was hiring him and then launching our UK division, which is, which is now growing.

Jack Copeland: The slightly faster than a US division. And it was, it was all off the basis that he thought to push out a tweet. So, you know, so much of this as well, referral is the number one source for a lot of our clients. But a lot of your, your candidates, a lot of your recruiters, you know, they're not going to remember that 10, 15, 20,000 people that they've spoken to, or even perhaps the most relevant people in the 500 people or a thousand people that they actually know.

Jack Copeland: So this can be a great way of just kind of putting it out there within that market. And you know, refreshing people's memories and getting some results that are so moving on then, you know, we've talked about, okay, what are the different distribution platforms? You know, what, what are we going to use to drive clicks back to the site?

Jack Copeland: And what's really the best way for people to engage. We're going to talk a little bit really about the primary content method methods to make sure that we're keeping those users on the site and we're validating our message. And then we're gonna talk a little bit about, you know, what software tools we can use and what workflows we can use to, to bring those people back.

Jack Copeland: Scott. I don't know if you want to go so high and maybe just walk through some of the different types of content that we've got here. 

Scott White: Yeah, definitely. So, I mean, I think, you know, kind of drawing back to the SEO, I mean, I think, you know, blogs and blogs are definitely going to be, are going to be strong drivers of traffic.

Scott White: You know, so you have topical questions, which, you know, those can be kind of broad, you know, maybe HR or staffing related questions. And, you know, there's also can be kind of micro level. Micro level questions or topics that are specific to different candidates and clients you know, in their various industries definitely want to stay on top of news and lists both our, you know, our kind of, again, kind of drawing back to the original SEO practices of consistency but also relevancy, you know, you want to make sure that that your company is it's not becoming stale, both, you know, either according to Google, but especially you know, according to your kind of target demographic or target audience both on the client and candidate side.

Scott White: Not to mention that, you know, having really relevant content on your site, both whether it's questions or listicles or, you know, whatever kind of, you know, sort of blog content that you want. It's, you know, it's, it's going to drive, it's going to drive that, that quality SEO and the subsequent engagement to your site too.

Scott White: And that kind of feeds into white papers. You know, Jack, I know you have a number of, kind of white papers or resources and case studies and stuff like that.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, it's, it's, it's a really nice area where you can just sort of take something a little bit further than a blog and start to just sort of educate people on a particular subject. So, you know, it might be a four or five page PDF. It might be something that's going to tell people how to develop that career or how they go through an interview process.

Jack Copeland: So when the client side, what to think about on, on the hiring side, I'd include in stuff like this, things like resume builders or salary calculators. It, we're going to talk a little, a little bit about the technology behind them, that, that, that that's, that's out there, but it's a really nice way of actually offering something to the user.

Jack Copeland: If you, if you think about how, you know, the ecommerce market, for example, has evolved 10 years ago, it was okay to go and buy my brand in retail, in the store. I had to get it in the store. like amazon and now people are advertising directly and Instagram they're dropping people into their own Shopify experience that, you know, capturing their email addresses with discount codes and things like that, or, or special offers.

Jack Copeland: And then. Remarketing them, emailing those users, educating them about the products and trying to get them to buy. And so white papers are kind of our industry's version of that. You know, trying to offer information about the hiring process, often your ability to enter some information and have a resume built or a resume evaluated or enter, you know, some information about your job type and role so that they can estimate you know, what kind of salary you could expect in different markets.

Jack Copeland: These are all ways of adding value to the candidates, but also having it gated where, you know, the form of payment is essentially the email address or the phone number, so that you can start to bring those, those, those emails and phone numbers into your text automation, into your email automation, nurture them and then bring them back because right now they might just be going, Hey, what am I actually worth?

Jack Copeland: Or what's going on in my industry? Or an industry that I'm interested in, but six months from now, they may be ready to actually open, sort of, and sort of buy or apply to that job. The same, obviously one of the, the, you know, well-known pieces of, of, of, of, of content is jobs. It seems, seems silly to include it on here, but just making sure that you've got a comprehensive job description making sure that you've got your hot jobs, making sure that the feeds of those jobs are on your social media, making sure that they're all over your website, not just on the job search page, but relate to jobs, relevant jobs.

Jack Copeland: You know, we're going to talk a little bit about dynamic content. The idea that when someone's looking at a job or they're looking at a blog, or perhaps even on the homepage, we can be presenting them with the most attractive opportunity to them. So jobs are a really key piece of content as well, even on the client.

Jack Copeland: Just to show, Hey, look, you know, these are the kinds of positions that we have open. You know, if someone's looking and they're looking for a Python developer in orange county and they go to our website and they see 10 of those other positions available, they're going to know that they've come to the right place.

Jack Copeland: I'm the same here as well with kind of case studies really looking at success stories from the candidates point of view talking about the experience that they had. There's obviously great tools like great recruiters that will leave reviews. But also just going through and really explaining how they work with the client, how they work with the date, you know, what they can expect from your staffing company.

Jack Copeland: What the experience was like showcasing some of those brands that you work with is really, really helpful. So that, the candidate can really sort of envision what the process is going to be. And then touching a little bit perhaps on the, on the client side as well. You've got things like features, candidates where, you know, you can actually go and write up the typical type of candidates that you work with.

Jack Copeland: You stock imagery and, and use that as a marketing tool, not just on your website, but in your emails, on your social you know, use that for SEO purposes to try and sort of really show other candidates. Look, this is the kind of quality talent that we're working with as well as prospective clients.

Jack Copeland: I'm not sure if you want anything to add to any of those Scott. 

Scott White: No. I mean, I think that's good. Kind of did, you know, on the opposite side for feature candidates I also think that it, you know, there definitely is some value in featured clients as well. I mean, we, you know, we have a division that, you know, does a lot of, kind of high-level consulting you know, consulting roles.

Scott White: And there are often clients that will kind of come to us and say, Hey, you know, we have X, Y, Z positions open. They're hyper-specific. Do you have anything that you've worked on similar to this? And so I think having, having something, you know, especially on your site, but also kind of something in your back pocket where kind of like what, you know, what Jack said with the feature candidates, having those featured client profiles saying, Hey, you know, we were able to work with clients like this on X, Y, and Z roles.

Scott White: And here are, you know, kind of even taking a step further. Here are some of the results we were able to deliver. And, you know, I think kind of also just get back up to white papers. I think, you know, a lot of, a lot of staffing agencies you know, and, and to no fault of theirs, but they, they kind of inadvertently position themselves as this kind of singular value source or, you know, very, you know, very one dimensional value source.

Scott White: So I think, I think having, you know, things like what Jack mentioned was it, you know, the, the gated, gated content, the how to guide resume builders. I think it also, you know, in addition to actually, you know, delivering delivering the information that it's, you know, that these things are intended to deliver, you know, like salary information and, and, you know, and, and resumes, I think it also helps position your firm is, is kind of a, you know, more of a partner and the hiring process and, or in the, you know, the job search process and not just, you know, not just a job board but you know, definitely someone that you can go to and confide in.

Scott White: You know, I know that we'll, we'll kind of help you throughout the entire process.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, absolutely. And we see that a lot with our clients as well, that they focus on, on moving up the chain right. And solving the problem. We've got clients that will deploy, you know, take on five, $500 million projects from the federal government where they are a staffing company, but, you know, hiring the people that hire the people that hire the people that deploying the resources and the tents and all the other stuff that goes with it or people where they come in and they consult on, okay.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, we're a staffing company, but you want to move your business into this new state. So it's not about hiring for this job. And this job is how do we deploy the 100 different people in the management structure around them to have success in that environment. And so I think those white papers can really help, especially for those of you that are maybe trying to brand, not just as a staffing agency or sort of move slightly higher up the, up the chain on that.

Jack Copeland: So one of the things that we want to talk about here is, is, is lead types. And, and really the, the, the different methodologies that you can use for calls to action. So, you know, there's more lead types than just applications. One of my biggest bugbears is that websites, you know, they, they just say, okay, do you want one of these jobs right now?

Jack Copeland: And if not, there is no other way to engage. So we've talked about gated content. Let's see to capture a lead through a submission of, I want this white paper, or I want my resume evaluated or whatever. It might be. A method of converting a lead, capturing some information. They use that same for content alerts, right?

Jack Copeland: So the ability to subscribe to blogs or subscribe to a yearly survey or a quarterly review or the ability just to subscribe for the kind of jobs that you're interested in, obviously the ability to apply to a job or get a resume submission or generic apply is really, really important. Most people now have moved beyond just, you know, sending me an email, but we do still see sites where people will have the jobs on their website, but they won't actually have the ability for someone just to submit a resume, we'll go through a registration process. Referral submission is really important as well. The ability to say, Hey, actually I know someone, I want to be part of your referral program or reach out to this individual. The information that's required in that scenario is going to be a little bit different.

Jack Copeland: And so it's, it's quite important to be able to sort of capture that information and allow people to submit that, or indeed work with a referral platform. So, you know, there's referral tools with Sense. There's platforms like Staffing Referrals that are really, really good at sort of gamifying the process, tracking the process and allowing users.

Jack Copeland: Say, Hey, I know these individuals, you should reach out to them now to find those users, if the referral was making it through the process and that they're likely to get some money out of it. And then also allow people to share you know, customized links on social or eat via email and via text so that if people do become part of that referral workflow is being tracked.

Jack Copeland: And even just things as simple as, as booking a meeting you know, maybe you're ready just to talk to anyone and everyone for five minutes, if they think it might be a good fit for job, or maybe, you know, that book meeting with a recruiter is, is actually gonna have a sequence in front of it. That's the sort of thing that can also be done by our chat bot, but the methodology for someone to say, Hey, okay I'm a Java developer.

Jack Copeland: And I'm based in this location. And I have three years of experience. I want to talk to someone and, you know, in this gear, that's probably enough for you to justify that it should land on a recruiter's calendar. And, you know, that's nothing more efficient than, than the idea that the recruiter could leave on Friday coming on Monday.

Jack Copeland: And instead of having applications actually have a load of pre-qualified, but meetings, you know, sat on that calendar for the first thing Monday morning. So there's a lot more different lead types than just applications. And the more methodology we offer people to engage with the site the better they're going to do.

Jack Copeland: And the thing to add on that front Scott. 

Scott White: No, I think you, I think you definitely did a good job covering them.

Jack Copeland: That's awesome. And then within that, I want to talk a little bit about conversion tech, you know, sometimes conversion tech, and we're coming up towards the end of the presentation. Now anyway, got five, 10 minutes left, but sometimes conversion tech can, can be sort of synonymous with the lead types, but it's a bit about how there's referral automation out there.

Jack Copeland: That's chatbots that can capture all sorts of different types of leads through, through the outreach. You've also got dynamic content tools, so things that will pick up what the user's doing and then display different content to the user. So it might be someone returning to a homepage, but now that they're on their home page, because we know that behaved in their last session, actually the hot jobs are different.

Jack Copeland: The relevant blogs are different. The call to actions might even be different just based on what we know about that individual, the same with these calculators. You know, you can get software that has a great UX. To come in and say, okay, I want to calculate what I think I would be worth in a certain market and actually give that to them for free, not require them to enter an email address, but then allow them to get a comprehensive breakdown of, you know, what the tax might be in that environment or what the actual range is for those different types of niches by then submitting that information.

Jack Copeland: So you can have sort of interactive lead capture forms within that. Another thing that's out there as a tool to sort of help convert more leads is to apply chase technology. So this is something that we've introduced that will allow you, if you want long form patients. If you've got to ask 15 questions, you need to know, okay, I want your phone number.

Jack Copeland: I want your email address, but I also need to know where you can work? From a certification point of view, do you have this many years experience? When are you available? Do you have your driver's license? You know, are you able to work as a registered nurse in the state of Iowa, whatever it might be for your market.

Jack Copeland: If you need to get 15 different pieces of information, you can start with just the name and the phone number and email address as the first form, you can build that data slowly and then you can use tools to chase the user if they drop off in that process. So if I'm busy and I just want to go, okay, yeah, I'm interested in this job, but then I realized they don't have the information to hand, or I get distracted.

Jack Copeland: At least we've converted that information. We can do something with it. We can then either drive the user through to a full application. We can submit a, a half application to a recruiter to go and call, or we can simply just put them back into the pot to nurture for other jobs because while they might not be prepared to spend 10 minutes applying to that position they may well be, be prepared to spend 10 minutes applying to a different position.

Jack Copeland: We have in the future as well as obviously content distribution tools. So things like the, you know, the in browser alerts or the job alerts or text alerts and things. One of the things I wanted to walk through here as well is it's some sort of visuals around, you know, what you can achieve by putting some different things together.

Jack Copeland: So this is just one example of a tech stack. It's not, it's not the tech stack, but you can see really here in this workflow that if you're doing this right, you kind of have two real sources of one real source of truth, which is your ATS. And then you have one real platform for engagement, which is your website, your job portal, and all the different tools and techniques that you might be using.

Jack Copeland: If you're proactively sourcing with SOA Spreaker, or if you're posting jobs with Broadbean, or if you're reaching out to people on LinkedIn, within the seller, and many of these brands are speaking at this confrence. You know, everything is really leading back to one of two places. The data is flowing into the ATS so that you've got the reporting.

Jack Copeland: But the engagement for the user is coming back to your website, the clicks in your emails from Herefish or from Sense, or from HubSpot or MailChimp, leading back there. If people are submitting referrals or, or monitoring the performance and referrals, it's coming back to your sites, your reviews that you're picking up are being, being advertised across your email information, across your social and across your website as well.

Jack Copeland: And so you basically get all of these tools to become bigger than the sum of their parts. And you wind up with this sort of holistic stack where it's not the official sense. It's not just, you know, a website by staff mutual or anyone else. It's not just your Google reviews or great recruits of reviews, but they're all part of a wider plan.

Jack Copeland: Whether this information is. Part of you know, a network or a workflow in which people can engage, that's gonna allow them to, to essentially buy when they're ready. Any thoughts or anything to add on, on, on this slide, Scott? 

Scott White: Yeah, no, I mean, great. Yeah, definitely. Great, great selection and great, you know, kind of an example of a proven awesome tech stack.

Scott White: I think, you know, just to reiterate kind of what Jack was saying as just making sure that we all have that information coming back into Bullhorn or whatever, you know, whatever central repository that you're using or whatever ATS or whatever CRM. You know, I, I've definitely seen some, some, some examples of disjointed tech stacks where you have you know, 2, 3, 4 or five different kinds of central repositories of candidate data, or, you know, resumes or you know, client leads or you know, things like that.

Scott White: And I think, you know, it's, it's hard to really scale a tech stack that isn't, that doesn't really consolidate it into one kind of centralized place. So I think, yeah, just to kind of reiterate that, I think it's important, you know, kind of like on this, you know, on this, on this awesome graph, just making sure that, you know, yes, we are kind of building this tech stack and we're building this kind of, you know, this network or this, this net, but making sure that it all kind of points back to one to one central database.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, absolutely. And that's the only way you're going to get comprehensive reporting as well. It's to really see what's successful and you don't build something like this overnight. You know, you add the segments in as time goes by, you know, another slide here, that's kind of representing a very, very similar concept, but the idea that, you know, we've got content, we've got calls to action.

Jack Copeland: We've got traffic sources that roll layering around your candidate engagement platform. And then what you're really doing is you're pushing your fresh jobs out as part of that content. You've got those nurturing and conversion tools that are either driving a lead into your ATS, or if not capturing that the basic contact information of those users, and then driving them back to the content, driving them back to the calls to action, and essentially nurturing them by those conversion tools until eventually that lead is, is ready for the next.

Jack Copeland: So Scott, I know we've only got a couple of minutes. I think we've, we've almost hit the limit here, but if you want to just talk through, you know, the importance of this reporting and then and then I think we might have to wrap it up. 

Scott White: Yeah, definitely. So, I mean, just, just real quick, you know, I think kind of just to reiterate a lot of the process for them, for the tech implementation that we've talked about for, for driving in converting candidates and leads, I think, you know, we, we kind of naturally identify, or, you know, have a bottleneck in the business whether we want to boost candidate flow or increase application time, or you know, increase qualification of, of client leads.

Scott White: But we kind of, we, we match that bottleneck with a product or, you know, some sort of solution and then we implement it. And so a lot of people will kind of, you know, measure success, but only measure kind of the final end piece of success, which is Do we, you know, did you know, did, did we get more form submissions or not, or, you know, did we make more money after implementing this tool?

Scott White: And and a lot of times, you know, I, you know, I know for a fact that Jack can attest to this, as, you know, you could have implemented, you know, kind of that tech stack that, you know, that you just showed and have, you know, 99% of it working perfectly. But at 1% that may not be optimized or, you know, or set up.

Scott White: Performing at what it should be could be, you know, could be depleting your potential, your potential revenue opportunities. And so just making sure that you are consistently measuring success throughout the throughout the implementation journey, but also as you're in all forms of success, you know, so if you're implementing an SEO strategy for your website, making sure that you are monitoring, you know that you're monitoring, you know, the time spent on page or you even page load speed, as opposed to just, you know, how many, how many forms submissions am I getting and using some of those tools that we talked about, but also just like any other business investment.

Scott White: A lot of these, you know, technology pieces should always be thought of in the lens of, you know, what is the ROI or what is the potential ROI. And that's kind of where measuring successes is found you know, figuring out what's this cost, you know, what's the cost per lead. What's the, what's the cost per candidate, you know, or per application how much time are they spending on your jobs pages?

Scott White: You know, that can, all of that can really help you kind of tell how successful your, you know, your website's doing, how successful your, your automation, campaigns doing and just, you know, help you really measure the success of your efforts.

Jack Copeland: Yeah, absolutely. And I think, I think, you know, it's important to measure failure as well, right? Because that is, if we're not even running the reports and defy what went wrong and what didn't work, then what are we really learning? Right. We're learning how to spend $3,000. And we, we tried sort of a rough concept and it, and it failed, but we don't really understand what we tried with that concept so that if we want to keep drilling away, we can have success because we know that fundamentally these principles do work.

Jack Copeland: They work for the vast majority of organizations, the virus to staffing organizations. So figuring out what you did wrong is really, really important. So I think we're kind of at the same time now. I know we've already talked about a few real world examples flows that we've gone through. So we'll kind of get this and if you want to reach out to myself or Scott, you know, we can probably give some examples that are going to be very specific to you and your use case.

Jack Copeland: The final side that I wanted to maybe just dive onto is kind of what's on the horizon of this market. So we started a little bit late, so we can probably just go over a minute or two. One of the things that we're seeing a lot more is sort of advanced matching and user tracking. So the idea that we're going to monitor the battery of users and see what they're doing on the site, you know, pick up that IP address. What was the entry point and exit point?

Jack Copeland: The time is through this, are they assertive job seekers or passive job seekers? Are they more likely to be interested in the job or are they more likely to be interested in a piece of content? What have they been searching for? You know, what jobs have they looked at and which jobs that they spent or content that they spent more time on or less time on them from that really profile that's unique to that user.

Jack Copeland: And then leverage that, that matching technology perhaps with data that's in the ATS. So the website is going to know. What am I looking for right now? But I might have an application in the ATS that is three years old, so we can then go, okay, well this skill set that that user used to have but now we know that actually they're looking for jobs in a different location, or they have potentially new skill sets.

Jack Copeland: So I don't really use the data points that we have in various different areas to try and really identify the best fit of content for the user. And this is the sort of thing that you see, you know, in e-commerce all the time, it's now a consorting industry. So we have our own matching technology that's being released this year as part of that.

Jack Copeland: Looking to tie that into the ATS wherever possible. And then using that via third party integration. So it's all well and good having email job alerts or in browser alerts that are notifying the best jobs, but the idea that perhaps even a chat bot or a third party chat bot on the site could pop up and say, Hey, look, it seems like you're actively looking for senior pipes and develop boroughs in these two markets.

Jack Copeland: Are there any other markets that you're interested in? Would you like to, to someone you know, we think we actually have a position that might be a benefit for you and sort of being dynamic in that respect as well as really using machine learning. And I know everyone's probably kind of sick of hearing about AI and machine learning, but really what these reports that Scott's talking about doing is to put them in front of marketers.

Jack Copeland: So marketers can make informed decisions. So we're also seeing you know, more and more of the, the, the, the technology itself drawing those conclusions, identifying just like with programmatic what's working, what's not, and starting to optimize. Yeah, how do we reach out to people? How often do we reach out to people?

Jack Copeland: What do we present in front of them? What's going to lower the number of unsubscribes and increase the amount of conversion and really just using technology to make some of the deductions that, you know, people like myself or Scott might make when we're looking at reporting. And I think that you wanted to add on, on that front Scott of what you're saying or I did. 

Scott White: No, I, I mean, I think that sounds great.

Scott White: Yeah. Just making sure kind of that you're saying on, on top of the, on top of automation, I know, you know, if you're, if you're a manager or if you're, you're an owner of a staffing agency, I know that it, you know, if you're implementing automation at some point you'll run across you know, some sort of comment from the staff of, you know, oh, is this going to replace my job and kind of, you know, kind of on Jack's fourth point here.

Scott White: I mean, it's, it's, it's definitely not intended to replace anyone. It's actually, you know, it's, it's the opposite, it's to optimize your decision-making, it's to optimize those processes so that we can all, we can all be more successful together.

Jack Copeland: Awesome. Perfect. So real quick, final, say second in summary, make sure you've got the right platform for your traffic to engage with. Make sure that you're consistent, right. And quality content is always king. You want to make sure that, you know, you have the right slats to support your marketing efforts.

Jack Copeland: There's no point in driving traffic to the site, if the leads aren't going anywhere or, or putting all this content on the site, if you're not going to support it with the right tech, make sure you've got comprehensive reporting throughout and something that we sort of lightly touched on, which is, you know, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Jack Copeland: So there might be people looking at this going, Hey, I knew most of this stuff, but then maybe there's a few nuggets of information. There might be people that are sitting here going, actually, I don't really know much about this at all. It seems completely overwhelming. Don't worry. You know, no one's going to implement a tech stack like that overnight.

Jack Copeland: You're going to go and start with the lowest hanging fruit, start to introduce these concepts and try and get results out of them and then move on to the next thing. So yeah. Anything else, Scott? 

Scott White: Nope. I think that about sums it up.

Jack Copeland: That's a wrap. Well that thanks so much guys, for joining us. Thanks Jan for organizing it guys. And thanks as well to you, Scott, for joining me today and feel free to reach out to us on LinkedIn or any other platforms, if you have any questions. 

Scott White: Yeah, of course.

Scott White: Thanks so much. Bye.


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Scott White

Jack Copeland




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